垃萨用英语怎么写( 二 )

5月平均气温12-26℃,1月平均气温6-19℃ 。行政区划:分为31个州和1个联邦区(墨西哥城),州下设市(镇)(2394个)、村 。
各州名称如下:阿瓜斯卡连特斯、北下加利福尼亚、南下加利福尼亚、坎佩切、科阿韦拉、科利马、恰帕斯、奇瓦瓦、杜兰戈、瓜那华托、格雷罗、伊达尔戈、哈利斯科、墨西哥、米却肯、莫雷洛斯、纳亚里特、新莱昂、瓦哈卡、普埃布拉、克雷塔罗、金塔纳罗奥、圣路易斯波托西、锡那罗亚、索诺拉、塔瓦斯科、塔毛利帕斯、特拉斯卡拉、韦拉克鲁斯、尤卡坦、萨卡特卡斯 。“世界银都”——墨西哥塔斯科 墨西哥第二大城市瓜达拉哈拉 This mix of modern and traditional, clichéd and surreal, is the key to Mexico's charm, whether your passion is throwing back margaritas, listening to howler monkeys, surfing the Mexican Pipeline, scrambling over Mayan ruins or expanding your collection of posable Day of the Dead skeletons.Mexico is enjoyable year-round, but October to May is generally the most pleasant time to visit. The May-September period can be hot and humid, particularly in the south, and inland temperatures can approach freezing during December-February. Facilities are often heavily booked during Semana Santa (the week before Easter) and Christmas/New Year, the peak domestic travel periods.Mexico's climate has something for everyone: it's hot and humid along the coastal plains, and drier。
2.英语作文 怎样做比萨Home "pizza" with, "vecorn. high-strength flour, yeast and tomatoes and onions, and at the end of a meat or vegetables. you will first high-strength flour with some salt and baking powder," vecorn "and rubbing on, a smooth soft dough to concoct. and tomato juice, fresh tomatoes go to the seed with minced onions by the end, a fried, ketchup, add a soupcon of the soup juice, boiled sauce with salt, pepper sauce ( also available in tomato sauce ).Other ingredients according to your preferences, but you can choose any meat and meat, poultry and aquatic products, vegetables and seafood slice or silk. then, the ferment the dough out a cake, a tomato juice and spread all kinds of spices, with cheese, sliced into 200 ℃ oven or a function of microwave oven, bake in a small piece in. 。
3.施泽珍用英语怎么读1)按英语习惯,【施泽珍】可以使用【Sargent Shi】 。
2)因日益广泛的汉语影响,名字英译可使用汉语拼音 。
【施泽珍】可写为【Shi Zezhen】 。
1)放在前面的姓氏第一个字母要大写,如果是复姓,合在一起,也是第一个字母大写 。
2)名字若是两个字,要合在一起写,第一个字母大写 。
3)英语不能标注声调 。

