陶瓷英文作文怎么写( 二 )

原始社会晚期出现的农业生产使中国人的祖先过上了比较固定的生活,客观上对陶器有了需求 。人们为了提高生活的方便,提高生活质量,逐渐通过烧制粘土烧制出了陶器 。
随着近代科学技术的发展,近百年来又出现了许多新的陶瓷品种 。它们不再使用或很少使用粘土、长石、石英等传统陶瓷原料,而是使用其他特殊原料,甚至扩大到非硅酸盐,非氧化物的范围,并且出现了许多新的工艺 。
【陶瓷英文作文怎么写】美国和欧洲一些国家的文献已将"Ceramic"一词理解为各种无机非金属固体材料的通称 。因此陶瓷的含义实际上已远远超越过去狭窄的传统观念了 。
迄今为止,陶瓷器的界说似可概括地作如下描述:陶瓷是用铝硅酸盐矿物或某些氧化物等为主要原料,依照人的意图通过特定的物理化学工艺在高温下以一定的温度和气氛制成的具有一定型式的工艺岩石 。表面可施釉或不施釉,若干瓷质还具有不同程度的半透明度,通体是由一种或多种晶体或与无定形胶结物及气孔或与熟料包裹体等微观结构组成 。
陶瓷工业是硅酸盐工业的主要分支之一,属于无机化学工业范围.但现代科学高度综合,互相渗透,从整个陶瓷工业制造工艺的内容来分析,它的错综复杂与牵涉之广,显然不是仅用无机化学的理论所能概括的 。陶瓷制品的品种繁多,它们之间的化学成分.矿物组成,物理性质,以及制造方法,常常互相接近交错,无明显的界限,而在应用上却有很大的区别 。
因此很难硬性地归纳为几个系统,详细的分类法各家说法不一,到现在国际上还没有一个统一的分类方法 。"Ceramic" is a generic term, "Tao" and "Porcelain" in texture, the physical properties there are very different. China was among the first to create one of the countries of pottery, porcelain was one of the first invention. The emergence of pottery dating back about 1 million years or so, China has entered the New Stone Age, began to settle in life, water, with objects of daily life, such as the need to promote the invention of pottery. Chinese pottery wider distribution, mainly in the Yangtze River and Yellow River Basin. Yangshao culture which is the New Stone Age culture more representative of the type, characterized by painted pottery, also known as the "painted pottery culture", which derived Banpo and Miao Digou two types of decorative patterns, has high artistic value. Majiayao culture is the culture of the late New Stone Age type than a little late Yangshao culture, since about 5000. Black painted pottery is the second after another great invention, since about 4000 the Longshan Culture period, there has been a unique process of eggshell pottery. In recent years, Shandong, Hebei and more in the vicinity。
3.景德镇瓷器英文介绍Jingdezhen porcelain is famous for its white porcelain.
(景德镇瓷器以白瓷为闻名 。)
Known as "white as jade, bright as mirror, thin as paper, sound like qing" said.
(素有“白如玉,明如镜,薄如纸,声如磬”之称 。)
The variety is complete, once reached more than 3000 kinds of name.
(品种齐全,曾达三千多种品名 。)
Excellent porcelain, lightweight modeling, decorative diversity.
(瓷质优良,造型轻巧,装饰多样 。)
In the decoration of blue and white, glaze red, ancient color, pastel, bucket color, new color and so on.
(在装饰方面有青花、釉里红、古彩、粉彩、斗彩、新彩等 。)
Among them especially to blue and white, powder color products for the bulk, color glaze for famous production.
(其中尤以青花、粉彩产品为大宗,颜色釉为名产 。)
There are many varieties of glaze, such as green, blue, red, yellow, black and so on.