李菊芳怎么写( 二 )

其他的就说:“骨头人 , 我这里有骨头!”……
下午我们老师在楼道里贴小朋友的绘画作品 , 撕下很多的粘粘纸 。
楼道里一片狼藉 , 于是叫两个小朋友来帮忙把纸捡走 。
两个女孩很是得意 , 一边做事一边大叫:“我是垃圾人 , 我在捡垃圾!”
呵呵呵呵 , 那我现在在玩电脑 , 岂不是电脑人了??
刚刚吃过早餐 , 一个男孩就过来对我说:“老师 , 我家杀了一头猪!”
他说:“杀猪过年啊!在菜市场那边!是我们的 。”
呵呵 , 我想应该是买的猪肉吧?现在很少有人自己杀猪来过年了 。
不过 , 倒是很怀念小时候在农村时 , 可以杀猪过年 , 那啊 , 好吃的东西就多了!
而且 , 腊肉、腊肠可以吃好久呢!!
10、小宝尿了床 , 爸爸批评说:“小宝 , 四、五岁了怎么还尿床?睡觉前要少喝!”小宝小声嘟囔道:“睡觉前我喝的是水 , 可不是尿!尿床不怨我!”
3.“李佳蓉”小篆怎么写李佳蓉 小篆写法:
李佳蓉 大篆(金文)写法:
4.My school rule的作文怎么写Rules of My School
We have a lot of school rules at our school . And we aren't allowed to break the rules. I think some of the rules are necessary. For example, students must listen carefully in class and finish homework carefully.And we aren't allowed to make noise in library. Library should be always very quiet .We have to be friendly to classmates .It's helpful to get along with classmates.
As for uniform, student have different suggestions . Some students agree that we have to wear school uniform on week days. They say: Iy can make us more concentrate on our studies than our clothes.But the rest disgree. In their opinions, clothes can't get in the way of schoolwork.
So they should be all owed to wear their own clothes. But I think these opinions are both correct. However, we should concentrate on studies instead of clothes. So don't be too serious about clothes. It is less of problem to wear beautiful clothes than to study well.
Rules of My chool
There are many rules in our school .
We can't arrive late for class . We can't run in the classrooms or the hallways . But we can run and wear sports shoes for gym class . We can't eat in the classrooms . We can eat in the cantten .
We can't listen to music in the classrooms and they only music can . We can't in the class to sing or dance , these are both offences against discipline . Spare time for a walk , but don't trample on grass .
No matter where you can't fight , this is the most important rule .
School rules and we have great help !

