家风家训用英语怎么写( 二 )

There is good say "Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,"but though I should study hard .Of course,I'm old enough to make my own decision.
6.关于家训家规的英语作文My family Rules
A country its laws and a family has its rules. My family also has some rules.
For example ,there are important rules in my house . First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm. I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true. Next , I'm not allowed to watch tv on school nights. In my opinoin, I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights. Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way. Finally,the biggest problem is that I can't join club. My parents think that only bad for my studying. They don't know I'm intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing.
There is good say "Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,"but though I should study hard .Of course,I'm old enough to make my own decision.
7.关于家风是什么的英语作文你好,楼主:"Hey, ah, ah hey 。
" this is still in the bright lights in toil and hardship as the home ofthe dark night, let the home bright? Is our home! This is the light in the beacon in the night, in the community, rather than in Wenzhou, a group of the most shining.Tell you, we are in hard working families from the unknown community. The four generation of ancestral generations of hard work!Say, talk to them from her grandmother. My grandmother's age, but also busy. We walked in their study, work, she will use, left, right Shuashua washing at home, never idle.Morning, grandma got up early, she helped us to prepare breakfast, start doingother work. I got a visual grandmother's every act and every move, dragged her voice is very light, as if fearful disturb my sleep.I know my grandmother's body is not particularly difficult. Hard work time is too long,the body slightly 。
Dan is a kind of comprehensive education, it is thought, life habit, emotion, attitude, spirit, interest and other psychological factors, such as a
synthesis of a variety of ingredients. Such as language environment,
emotional environment, interpersonal environment, moral environment. Home is
the first space, growth in children everywhere will be flipping the imprint
of a start-up.
Dan is a kind of invisible power potential, in daily life
exerts a subtle influence on the child's mind, to shape the child's
personality, is a kind of wordless education, no words of ancient book, the
power of the silent, is the most basic, the most direct, most often
education, its impact on children is omni-directional, children's world
outlook, the outlook on life, traits of
character, moral accomplishment,
people skills and habits and customs, etc., start-up of the brand mark every
aspect. Can say, what is the earliest effort, there will be what kind of
家风是一种综合的教育力量,它是思想、生活习惯、情感、态度、精神、情趣及其他心理因素等多种成分的综合体 。如语言环境、情感环境、人际环境、道德环境 。家是成长的第一空间,在孩子身上处处会烙有家风的印记 。
家风是一种潜在无形的力量,在日常的生活中潜移默化地影响着孩子的心灵,塑造孩子的人格,是一种无言的教育、无字的典籍、无声的力量,是最基本、最直接、最经常的教育,它对孩子的影响是全方位的,孩子的世界观、人生观、性格特征、道德素养、为人处事及生活习惯等,每个方面都会打上家风的烙印 。可以说,有什么样的家风,就有什么样的孩子 。
9.以家风为主题写一篇英语作文家风????? Family tradition? I think you can talk about how your family has a set of rules which core values are similar to the Knights Code of Chivalry during the middle ages. Focusing on how you are restricted to do certain things such as going back home before ten at night 。