
1.金融career plan怎么写I am going to apply XX(position) at XX company after graduation. I would like to become XXX(name of the occupation, e.g. financial analyst) within 3(time length) years. I hope to achieve XXXX(desired goals, e.g. writting more than 5 market research paper) in my career 。..
类似这种 。先写毕业后进哪个公司,在几年内干些什么,最后想实现什么理想 。
2.谁可以帮我写一篇关于career plan的小论文啊After finishing my MBA studies in marketing, I plan to return to Taiwan and work in the marketing group of an international bank. I believe that by that time, Taiwan will be one of the biggest and most important financial centers in the Asian-Pacific area, introducing many new financial products. With the use of these products becoming a key for success in the international trading environment, financial institutions will need to be able to market these products to gain market share. I hope to focus my work on mid-sized companies, which contributed a lot to Taiwan's past economic miracle but are now losing their international competitiveness. Most of these mid-sized companies view new financial products as toys to gamble and play with rather than tools to help them hedge risks. I hope to educate and persuade mid-sized companies to accept and use financial products to regain their competitive edge.III. Relate your career goals to your proposed study plan, the courses you plan on concentrating on in graduate school. If the course track you want to pursue is only offered at one or a few schools you can also relate your career goal to your reasons for applying to a particular school. After earning a master's degree in genetic counseling, my goal is to help promote humane genetic counseling and develop embryo genetics in Taiwan in order to fight hereditary diseases more effectively in their early stages and so lessen their cost to society. I am especially interested in the following topics: risk factors of schizophrenia and human behavior, hereditary disease detection and family pathological history tracing, embryo gene theory, and pre-embryo gene diagnosis. In order to reach my goal, after earning my master's degree, I plan on working in the genetic counseling department of a hospital or government unit. Then I hope to pursue a doctoral degree. Since hereditary disease research in Taiwan is still in its early stages, soon after receiving my doctorate I plan to lead my own work team at a research center focusing on formulating prevention plans, promoting gene screening, and reducing the occurrence of hereditary diseases. 。
3.谁给我career plan的例文consisting of between five or ten occupations, will make some careers especially suitable for you and some particulary inapproprate. How do you make a career choice when you don'. Yes, you will have to put some time and energy into making your decision? It'. Follow these steps to making a good career choice.
First of all,Before you can make a career choice you have to learn about yourself,summarize your harvest and what you have learned from your research, and skills. Your values, interests.For example.Thirdly, but your effort will be well worth it in the end;t really know what you want to do, in combination with certain personality traits.Circle occupations you may have considered previously and that you find appealing,review your plans and progress.After a period of time. Secondly? Does it seem like an insurmountable task;s notHow to make a good career planning
There are hundreds of career options out there,you may not be willing to put the time and energy into preparing for an occupation for which an advanced degree is required,write your career goals down.They are probably lengthy.You must want to come up a much shorter list
4.以my career plannning 为题写一篇不少于120字的作文My ideal career
Everybody has his or her dream and career. Different person has different ideas in choosing their career.For me, to be a teacher is my ideal career.
Because when I was still a little child in the primary school,I found it was so great to be a teacher. And my grandpa and grandma are all teacher. In my heart i think teacher can teach students various of knowledges, not only teach them how to be good at study, but also how to be a good person. A good teacher can lead his students onto the right road, avoiding makeing mistakes. What's more, to be a teacher could contribute a lot both to their students and to the society. It is so wonderful . Now i am a college student , after graduated from school , i have to find a job, start my career,if i become a teacher,on the one hand ,i can live in campus to share many things with my students,on the other hand ,the pay of this career is well.