
1.蛇的英语单词怎么写“蛇”英语单词为: snake
例句:The snake has crawled into a hole.
那条蛇爬进洞里 。
英 [sne?k] 美 [snek]
vt.沿…曲折前进(或延伸);<;美>/<;口>;拖 , 拉(木材等)
vi.曲折前进(或延伸);蛇行 , 悄悄地爬行
capture a snake 捕蛇
charm a snake 耍蛇 , 玩蛇
dangerous snake 危险的蛇
dreadful snake 可怕的蛇
【两条蛇英语怎么写】英 [?va?p?(r)] 美 [?va?p?]
例句:I was nearly bitten by a viper.
我差点被毒蛇咬到 。
英 [?s?:p?nt] 美 [?s?:rp?nt]
例句:The serpent fascinated its prey.
蛇用目光吓住了它的猎物 。
2.蛇的英文怎么写蛇的英文是 snake 。
1、【音标】英 [sne?k] 美 [snek]
2、【名词释义】蛇、奸险卑劣的人 。英英释义:A snake is a long, thin reptile without legs.(蛇是一种没有腿的长而细的爬行动物 。)
3、【动词释义】动词意思是: 蜿蜒而行、曲折而行蛇行 。英英释义:Something that snakes in a particular direction goes in that direction in a line with a lot of bends.(某物在某个特定的方向蛇行沿着那个方向弯曲 。)
1、响尾蛇:rattlesnake 英 [?r?tlsne?k] 美 [?r?tl:?snek]
2、眼镜蛇:cobra 英 [?k??br?] 美 [?ko?br?]
3、草蛇:grass snake 英 [ɡrɑ:s sneik] 美 [ɡrɑs snek]
4、水蛇:water snake 英 [?w?:t? sneik] 美 [?w?t? snek]
5、蟒蛇:boa 英 [?b???] 美 [?bo??]
二、snake 的用法
1、澳大利亚俚语 , snake用作名词指军士 。
2、美国俚语 , snake作动词意为:密谋 , 策划 , 构思 。
3、snake in the grass , 意思是不可靠的人 。
3.蛇用英语怎么写蛇的英文是 snake 。
1、【音标】英 [sne?k] 美 [snek]
2、【名词释义】蛇、奸险卑劣的人 。英英释义:A snake is a long, thin reptile without legs.(蛇是一种没有腿的长而细的爬行动物 。)
3、【动词释义】动词意思是: 蜿蜒而行、曲折而行蛇行 。英英释义:Something that snakes in a particular direction goes in that direction in a line with a lot of bends.(某物在某个特定的方向蛇行沿着那个方向弯曲 。)
4.写蛇的英语作文a snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places. it has no legs or feet, but can move very fast on its stomach. snakes usually have green,yellow or black skins, which make it difficult for their enemies to find them.some kinds of snakes live in water. they can swim as freely as fish.
snakes are cold-blooded animals. they take many things as food, such as mice, sparrows, frogs, birds'eggs, pests and so on. as snakes are dreadfullooking, people are afraid of them.
in fact, snakes are not as dreadful as they look. they can help us to kill mice and pests. they can provide us with delicious meat. their blood is a good drink.poisonous snakes are especially useful. we can make valuable drugs with them.

蛇是生长在草地或其他黑暗地方的又长又瘦的小动物 , 它没有腿脚 , 但却可以靠腹部快速移动 。蛇的皮肤通常是绿色、黄色或黑色的 , 这使得它们不易被敌人发现 。有些蛇生活在水中 , 能像鱼儿一样自由自在地游来游去 。
蛇是冷血动物;它们以许多东西为食 , 如老鼠、麻雀、青蛙、鸟蛋、害虫等;因为蛇样子可怕 , 人们大多怕它 。