
1.家人用英语怎么写一家人 ,  家庭 ,  家族 ,  王室 adj. 家庭的 ,  家族的 ,  家属的 ,  普通的 ,  平常的 household house.hold AHD:[hous“h?ld”] D.J.[6ha&s7h*&ld] K.K.[6ha&s7hold] n.(名词) A domestic unit consisting of the members of a family who live together along with nonrelatives such as servants. 家庭:由住在一起的家庭成员及其他非亲属(如仆人)所组成的家庭单位 The living spaces and possessions belonging to such a unit. 家产:属于上述家庭单位的居住空间和财产 A person or group of people occupying a single dwelling: 住户:居住在一住处的个人或一群人: the rise of nonfamily households. 非家庭型住户的兴起 adj.(形容词) Of, relating to, or used in a household: 家庭的:家庭的 , 与家庭有关的 , 用于家中的: household appliances. 家用电器 Commonly known; familiar: 家喻户晓的 , 熟悉的: has become a household name. 成了家喻户晓的名字 。
2.请坐英文怎么说一、sit down please
读音:英 [sit daun pli:z] 美 [sit da?n pliz]
1、Good morning, Ms Lin. Sit down please.
早上好 , 林女士 , 请坐 。
2、Thank you. Come in and sit down, please.
你可以进来了 , 请坐 。多谢!请进来坐会儿!
3、Would you sit down, please, in your chair? Can we see that?
二、have a seat
读音:英 [h?v ? si:t] 美 [h?v e sit]
1、Thank you. I'll have a seat.
谢谢 。那我就坐下了 。
2、I have a seat for her.
我要给她找个位子 。
provided by jukuu
3、Can I have a seat in the stalls?
stand up
读音:英 [st?nd ?p] 美 [st?nd ?p]
1、I tried to stand up, but I was completely exhausted.
我企图站起来 , 可是已经筋疲力尽了 。
2、I can't get the pole to stand up.
这杆子我竖不起来 。
3、Stand up, please.
请起立 。
4、Stand up. Face the wall.
起立 , 面向墙壁 。
5、Stand up straight when you walk.
走路腰板儿要挺直 。
3.请坐英语怎么说请坐 [qǐng zuò]
【英文】have a seat
我们一直在期待你们的到来 , 请坐 。
We have been expecting you, please have a seat.
1、雪堂雪堂请侬坐 sit down
2、请进来坐吧 take a seat ; Please come in to sit ; Please come in now ; Please come sit down
3、您请坐 Sientese ; Would You Be Seated
4、请坐这里 Please be seated here ; Please sit here ; Sit here
5、请坐起来 Please be seated together ; Sit up
6、请进来坐把 Please come in ; Please come in to sit
4.英语作文,我的家人怎么写There are four persons in my family, my father ,mother and my elder brother . My parents are very kind ,they never fight with each other ,and they hardly argue with other people . They also like to help ohters when they are in trouble . They often tell my brother and i that we should give a hand to others if they experience difficulties.Then the persons who has received help will help more people , and the world will become better. My brothe is a good boy . He works hard on his schoolwork and all his teachers love him. He always help me with my study, If he comes across a difficult problem which he is not able to solve it by himself ,he will ask his teachers or classmates for help.He neve gives up, 。
5.请代为问候你的家人 英文怎么说Please send my love to your Family members.请代表我向你的家人问好 。