
1.踢足球用英语怎么说踢足球:play football
一、play , 英 [ple?] 美 [ple]
vt. 游戏;扮演;演奏;播放;同…比赛
vi. 演奏;玩耍;上演;参加比赛
n. 游戏;比赛;剧本
n. (Play)人名;(法、瑞典)普莱
1、I invite the children over to play.
翻译:我邀请孩子们过来玩 。
2、They played in the little garden.
翻译:他们在小花园里玩耍 。
n.足球〔美国通常指橄榄球〕、足球运动;屡屡引起争论(或分歧)的问题;被踢来踢去的难题 。
football单词英语来源于foteball词汇 。
因为职业橄榄球可以挣那么多 。
尼日利亚的足球需要进步 。
全国禁止进行足球比赛 。
我和他一起踢过球 , 然后成为了朋友 。
例句:She's plotting with her sister to play a trick on her brother.
她和妹妹策划给哥哥来一场恶作剧 。
2、玩 。游戏
例句:The children were playing doctors and nurses.
孩子们在玩医生与护士的游戏 。
二、soccer和football其实都有足球的意思 , 只是使用人群略有不同 。基本上足球英语单词叫soccer的就是美国 , 加拿大 , 澳大利亚这几块大地方 。英国以及整个国际上的一些官方组织都用football,football在美国英语中表示美式橄榄球 , 也叫美式足球常写作American football 。
2.让我们去踢足球用英语怎么说Let's play football或者 Let's go and play football
踢足球play football
今天周三 , 让我们去踢足球吧 。
It's Wednesday Let's go and play football
1、Basketball 篮球
We love playing basketball
我们爱打篮球 。
I like playing beach volleyball
排球我喜欢打沙滩排球 。
3、Baseball 棒球
On the wall many pictures of baseball stars stuck
墙上贴满了棒球明星的画片 。
4、Badminton 羽毛球
I like playing basketball and badminton
【用英语说我在踢足球怎么写】我喜欢的篮球和羽毛球 。
3.让我们去踢足球用英语怎么说Let's play football或者 Let's go and play football 重点词汇让我们let's踢足球play football例句:今天周三 , 让我们去踢足球吧 。
It's Wednesday Let's go and play football扩展资料:1、Basketball 篮球We love playing basketball我们爱打篮球 。2、Volleyball I like playing beach volleyball排球我喜欢打沙滩排球 。
3、Baseball 棒球On the wall many pictures of baseball stars stuck墙上贴满了棒球明星的画片 。4、Badminton 羽毛球I like playing basketball and badminton我喜欢的篮球和羽毛球 。
参考资料来源:百度百科-体育英语 。
4.用英语写一篇我们如何学习踢足球One day, the weather was fine. Siu-ming and a group of small partners into a green lawn for soccer. They are divided into two teams, one team is red team, a team of the yellow team. Xiao-Ming Huang team is team Scud. Soon as the whistle, the football from the personal side, crossed the red team's Xiaogang what a Scud, the football played high, and far off."Ah, scored a net of the yellow team!"Red team members were excited to cheer for him desperately, and some emotion is so intense it will be Xiaogang high toss. This makes yellow team members were very angry, and Scud-Xiao Ming can be angry it! He played much football kick put the football on the ground Gulugulu to roll forward, Xiao-Ming Qi Gugu, the cheek side of a transparent shed sweat, the mouth pursed, hot pursuit of letting go. Catching up with her aunt to one of the window, stood on a windowsill that a pot of bright red aunts of the most beloved of the Chinese rose. Xiao-Ming is too angry, and kicked the football kicked the air, soccer-shun straight from the air fall to the sill of the basin of Chinese rose knocked over. Xiao-Ming, see things were not going to immediately adopt the football to whom Aunt's doorstep."Dongdong Dong", Xiao-Ming Qiaoliaojixia door gently. Squeak ----- Suddenly the door opened, and before him stood an aunt, aunts, kindly, said:"Come in", Xiao-Ming for aunt sat on the sofa, Small said:"Auntie, I am sorry, I put you The pot shattered."aunt 。