
Certification of English Proficiency
To whom it may concern,
With this letter I would like to certify (date of birth ) has adequate English proficiency. He is highly welcomed in to pursue his PhD. We have evaluated the English proficiency of Mr . He performed well in the English video interview. Based on his good performance of online interview, emails and research papers, we hereby certify that M 's English level is sufficient to communicate and work in our lab so that no more English language tests will be required on him.
We wish Mr all the best for the application.
Best regards
2.英语语言证明怎么写公派出国的吧:Certification of English ProficiencyTo whom it may concern,With this letter I would like to certify (date of birth ) has adequate English proficiency.He is highly welcomed in to pursue his PhD.We have evaluated the English proficiency of Mr .He performed well in the English video interview.Based on his good performance of online interview,emails and research papers,we hereby certify that M 's English level is sufficient to communicate and work in our lab so that no more English language tests will be required on him.We wish Mr all the best for the application.Best regardsSincerely, 。
Based on my previous convesations (via Skype on December 14, 2015 and January 12, 2016) and email correspondences with him, I believe his Engiish language skills are sufficient to undertake research studies during his visit at 某某大学 。
4.证明书的格式是怎么写证明材料,是指由组织或个人出具的证明有关人员或事件的真实情况的书面材料 。通常称证明信、证明书 。
1、标题 。
一般把所要证明的主要内容作为标题 。如"关于*受贿情况的证明 。"不要只写"证明材料"或"证明信"、"证明书",因为这会给对方单位以后查找、使用这些材料带来不便 。
2、抬头 。
有些证明材料有明确的主送单位, 就要在证明材料的开头顶格写明主送单位的全称;有些通用证明材料也可以不写主送单位 。
3、正文 。
这是证明材料的主体部分,应把需要证明的有关人员或事件的真实情况写清楚 。如系调查证明材料,还可以提供有关调查线索 。
4、署名 。
证明材料写好后,要将提供证明材料的单位全称或个人姓名写在证明材料的右下方,并注明证明的日期 。
1、写证明材料的人,应当以对党、对被证明人高度负责和严肃认真的态度对待,坚持实事求是的原则,不得徇私情而出具与事实不符的证明,更不能作假证明 。
2、证明材料的语言要十分明确、肯定,不能含含糊糊、模棱两可,不能用"大概"、"可能"、"据分析"之类的词语 。
3、一切证明材料都应经本单位负责人审阅,并加盖公章 。由个人出具的证明材料,本人要签名盖章(或留指印),单位要在证明材料上注明证明人的职务、政治情况等(一般不要加注"可靠"、"仅供参考"之类的断语) 。
Based on my previous convesations (via Skype on December 14, 2015 and January 12, 2016) and email correspondences with him, I believe his Engiish language skills are sufficient to undertake research studies during his visit at 某某大学 。
6.极度紧张,语言证明我法语的也开了一个语言水平证明~~~我那时候自己想了几句话~~~排个版~~~拿去学校学部戳个章~~~再送去公证处做成公证件~~顺带翻译成法语~~这个东西太简单了~~~没必要纠结~~~纠结的还在后面~~~我写的就是一般的证明的格式,前面是基本信息,后面我就给弄得,学了法语多长时间,已具备什么什么水平,此情况属实,特此证明~~~~这个语言水平是用来给你报语言学校,学校看你的水平给你分在哪一个阶段的 。