你爸爸呢英文句子怎么写( 二 )

4.描写爸爸外貌的句子英文中文翻译(1)My father was wearing a pair of glasses, small eyes, thin lips, because overworked with wrinkles 我父亲戴着一副眼镜,小眼睛,薄嘴唇,因为劳累有了皱纹 (2)My father had black hair, a thick brow, a pair of big eyes, and a dazzling wit and wit, sometimes witty and humorous.我的爸爸长着乌黑的头发,浓浓的眉一毛一下长着一双大大的眼睛,唱闪烁着智慧和机敏的神采,有时还使人感到几分诙谐和幽默 。
(3)我的爸爸中等的个子,大而有神的眼睛,留着一头又黑又亮的短发,修长的身材,显得非常有气质,结实的手臂强而有力,人人都夸他长得帅 。My father medium height, big eyes, has a head of dark and bright short hair, slim figure, appear very have temperament, strong and powerful arm, everybody praises he grow handsome.(4)爸爸的耳朵白里透红,耳轮分明,外圈和里圈很匀称,像是一件雕刻出来地艺术品 。
My father's ears were white and red, and his ears were clear, and the outer ring and inner circle were well proportioned, like a carved piece of art.(5)我的爸爸长着一双炯炯有神的眼睛,高高的鼻子,戴着一副厚厚的眼镜,笑起来非常的可爱,就像一个橡皮娃娃 。可是,生起气来却非常可怕 。
My father had a pair of bright eyes, a high nose, a thick pair of glasses and a very cute smile, like a rubber doll. But it was horrible to be angry.(6)我的爸爸是一位工作狂!他一工作起来什么都忘了,简直像失忆似的,但工作完了,就回复正常啦…… My father is a workaholic! He forgot everything about his work, it was like a memory loss, but when he finished his work, he was back to normal 。(7)我的爸爸个子很高,1.7米左右,体重73公斤,眼睛却很小,嘴唇厚厚的,他那圆圆的脸上总是带着和蔼的笑容 。
他是个一个普通的工人,每天都在工作着,忙碌着,但在我的眼里却是那么的不平凡,那么的让我从心底里敬佩他 。My father is tall, about 1.7 meters tall and weighs 73 kilograms. His eyes are small and his lips are thick. His round face is always with a kind smile. He is an ordinary worker, working everyday, busy, but in my eyes is so extraordinary, so let me admire him from the bottom of my heart.(8)我的爸爸长着一张瘦黄的脸,头发黑黑的,双眼乌黑发亮,他一笑,雪白的牙就露了出来,别提有多帅气了 。
My father had a thin yellow face, black hair, black eyes, he smiled, white teeth showed, not to mention how handsome.(9)我有一个胖胖的、穿着西装、满脸都是胡子、留着平头的爸爸 。I had a fat man in a suit, with a beard and a flat head.描写外貌的词语: 虎头虎脑 、眉清目秀 、面红耳赤 、白净柔嫩 、满面红光、满头银发、目光炯炯、双目如潭 、火眼金睛、浓眉大眼、慈眉善目 、气宇轩昂 、高大魁梧、英姿飒爽、衣着得体 。

