谢谢用英文怎么说( 二 )

int. 谢谢
1、All the journals and diarys are secret, it there is any gossip it will be deleted. Thanky You!
2、Bankim Thanki, an attorney for Al Khalifa, said that Al Khalifa wanted to work with Michael Jackson on rebuilding his career.
Al Khalifa的一名律师Bankim Thanki说Al Khalifa想和Michael Jackson一起重建他的事业 。
3、thanky you for your attention has been.
感谢您一直以来的关照 。
4、I've got my piece o' news, and thanky to him for that;
我听出一些门道,这还得感谢他呢 。
5、'Thanky, George,' replied the sea-cook. 'You always was brisk for business, and has the rules by heart, George, as I'm pleased to see .
“谢谢你,乔治,”船上的厨子说,“你向来办事麻利,各种规矩也永远牢记在心,乔治,这正是我喜欢看到的 。
6.“谢谢”用英语怎么说It's very kind of you!(你真是太好了,表示谢谢别人帮你做某事)
You are kind-hearted.
或You are very warm-hearted.(你真是热心!别人帮助你时,你可以这么说的:)
I am very grateful you to help me!(我很感激你帮助我)
Thank you the help(谢谢你的帮助:)
thank you !
thank you very much!

