
1.怎么写关于Noise Pollution
【夏春秋怎么写】With the high speed development of the mordern industy,more and more noise pollution exits.Listen carefully,the noise of the transportation,factory,supermarket and so on.
If the noise lay around a shooi or an office,the staff would be boring.If the noise lay around a hospital,the patients there would come to themselves slower.If the noise lay arund our house,there would be more quarrel around us.
Not only should the goverment take steps to protect the invironmet,we citizens should also act in ways.If you share a car,you should avoid using the suona by yourself.If you purchuse things in a supermarket , you can speak to the salesgirls lightly and their smiles would be more sincerely.Only all of us take actions together can we make a quiet planet together.
文章最好是三段式 , 十句成文 。第一段应写大致情况 , 第二段应写噪音危害 , 第三段应写具体行动和总结 。以上拙作仅作示例 。
2.春夏秋冬四季*季=季四冬夏春秋每个字代表一个数字小学生的数学题对解题而言 , 有两个结果:1 , 给出解答;2 , 证明此题无解 。
而这个题恰恰无解 。我们从“季”字突破 , 按0-9逐一试填 , 逐一排除 , 因叙述太长 , 只能简述如下: 数字 排除理由 0 不能是首位; 1 就成了111111*1=111111 , 不符题意; 2 “春”=1,2乘任何数都不=1; 3 3*7=21 , 迫使“夏”=2 , “冬”=0 迫使“秋”无法填; 4 迫使“四”=0 , 对于首两位数40只有4*40 , 与要求不符; 5 5*5=25 “秋”也要=5 , 不符题意; 6 6*6=36 一样不符题意; 7 迫使“四”=1 , 就试不下去了; 8 和2一样生成不了奇数; 9 9*9=81 , “春”“秋”都是1; 所以答案是:此题无解 。
3.duty report怎么写上讲台第一句就不用说了 , 肯定是问候语:good morning,everyone! 说一两句介绍自己 , 然后切入正题:today i want to talk about 。..; 我个人认为现在比较热门的话题应该是祖国的60周年国庆 , 其中可以讲到祖国的变化之大 , 可见人民生活水平提高很快 , 看到自己祖国这60年的巨变 , 心里由衷的升起对祖国的自豪之情 , 以此来激励自己会更加努力学习 , 为祖国未来贡献自己的力量 。
结束时就是:this is my duty report,i am grateful of enjoying it with all of you. thank you!
4.作文on wednesday怎么写The Art Festival will be held on Wednesday afternoon from one o'clock to three o'clock. According to the weather forecast, it will be a sunny day, the temperature is around 14 -- 25 centigrade .When come to the Art Festvial ,all the students should take a bench and wear school uniforms.please arrive the playground at twelve thirty. in the festival, there will be three singing performances and two dancing performances, Each program is prepared by I hope the students actively participate in the activities, and enjoy the art atmosphere. 。

