性英语怎么写教育( 五 )

is also responsible for the change/problem.[3]. Certainly , the。is not the sole reason for。
..3-1-3 后果影响 --------- 分析某事物可能造成的后果或者带来的影响 .e.g:[1]. It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on 。.[2]. In involves some serious consequence for。
..比较对照句型3-2-1. 两者比较 ---> 比较两事物,要说出其一超过另一个,或肯定一事物的优点,也肯定其缺点的时候用 !e.g:[1]. The advantages gained from A are much greater than the advantages we gain from B.[2]. Indeed, A carries much weight when compared with B.[3]. There is no doubt that it has its negative effects as well as positive effects.3-2-2 . 两者相同/相似 ------> 比较两事物共同都有或者共同都没有的特点时用!e.g:[1]. A and B have several thing in common. They are similar in that 。
..[2]. A bears some striking resemblance(s) to B.Chapter Three 文章结尾形式2-1 结论性--------- 通过对文章前面的讨论,引出 。
7.我要写一篇关于教育的英语作文,哪位肯我点儿提示教育是我国现在最突出的问题之一,而城市和农村的教育是这问题的关键 。可以毫不夸张的说,城市的教育和农村的教育有很大的不公平性 。城市里的人他们的教育是先进的 。他们有着先进的设备,优秀的老师,良好的学习环境 。例如多媒体,电脑等等 。而且城市的学生生活条件好,没有太多与学习不相干的困难 。
农村的教育是十分落后的,他们在简陋的教室里学习,没有什么先进的教学设施 。教育经费不足,没有足够的老师 。有的老师甚至担任多门课程,农村的学生会因为很多事不能学习,比如说农忙时 。他们还得回家劳作,这是中国农村教育的现状 。
Education is the most outstanding problems in China now, one of urban and rural education is the key to the problem. Can it is no exaggeration to say that city and countryside education education has great inequality. City people, their education is advanced. They have advanced equipment, excellent teacher, a good learning environment. For example of multimedia, computer, etc. And the cities student life condition is good, without too much difficulty with learning irrelevant.
Rural education is very backward, they in makeshift classrooms, no advanced teaching facilities. Education funds inadequacy, not enough teacher. Some teachers even as many courses, the countryside student because many things cannot learn, for example when expenses. They have to go home work, this is China's rural education of the status quo.
Thus, the distinction between urban and rural education is to have a large gap, this is because of the low level of rural economic development and people's living conditions is bad, only improving people's living conditions, they can be further narrowing the gap between the gap, but now they are increased, it is Chinese education most prominent question!
8.孩子教育的英语作文Aducation is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life.
In some modern countries it has been fashionable to think that free education for all can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough.We find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees refusing to do what they think is "low"work, and. in fact, working with one's hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor~ we can live without education,but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns.