
1.小熊维尼的英文怎么写全名:Winnie the Pooh
小熊维尼(Winnie the Pooh)可能是世上最广为人知而又最可爱的小熊 。1926年10月14日,以他的名字为题目的小说第一次出版,立即大受欢迎,销量以百万计. 后还被翻译为22种语言,当中包括拉丁文和波兰语 。其后和路迪士尼公司成功制作了以Winnie the Pooh为题材的卡通影片,再把Winnie the Pooh的受欢迎程度进一步提高 。
早期的Winnie the Pooh
小熊维尼的前身是一只玩具熊 。由英国一位作家Alan Alexandra Milne的妻子Dorothy Milne在1921年从伦敦一间著名店铺"Harrods"买入,作为送给他们儿子Christopher Robin(亦即是故事中的罗宾)的生日礼物 。Winnie the Pooh本名为"Edward Bear",初见於A.A Milne 在1924所作的儿童诗,后才取名Winnie the Pooh 。名字中的"Winnie"来自一只伦敦动物园中的黑熊,而"Pooh"则来自Robin最喜爱的一只天鹅 。
1925年,Milne一家由伦敦迁往Sussex的Cotchford Farm,邻近亚士顿森林(Ashdown Forest),而大部份Winnie the Pooh的故事,便以这一带为背景,所以到今天,还有不少的Winnie the Pooh迷远道而来这地,只为追寻一下Winnie the Pooh从前的足迹!
和路迪士尼推出的小熊维尼卡通把这只小熊的受欢迎程度更推上一层楼 。1966年"Walt Disney Studio"首先推出了一套只有二十分钟的音乐卡通“蜜蜂树”(Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree),之后又在1975年推出了“大风吹”(Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day)和“小熊维尼和跳跳虎”(Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too),后再将这三套短片合为一长篇,直至现在,仍深受人们喜爱 。现在大家所熟悉的迪士尼版红衣小熊维尼,和昔日原本的小熊维尼的样子有 点不同,原著的小熊维尼是由一位画家Ernest Howard Shepard (1879-1976)所画,起初只是铅笔画,只有黑白二色,其他颜色是后来才加 上去的 。这些原著现收藏在伦敦维多利亚亚尔拔博物馆(London's Victoria and Albert Museum In South Kensington)中 。
2.求《许三观卖血记》的英文读后感Yu Hua is a literary legend in China ,and in 2002 he became the first Chinese writer to win the prestigious James Joyce Award. His novels To Live and Chronicle of a Blood Merchant have been named as two of the top ten most influential books in China during the last decade. In Chronicle of a Blood Merchant, the people of China are under the reign of Chairman Mao, and Hua presents an unflinching portrait of life for the Chinese during Chairman Mao's reign.Xu Sanguan is your typical Chinese factory worker and the protagonist in Chronicle of a Blood Merchant. Xu Sanguan works in a silk factory, where he pushes a cart and distributes silk worms to the other factory workers. Similar to the jobs of others, his is not well-paying and the work is tedious. However, Xu Sanguan has no other options to make money, and he has to make a living to survive. While he works at the factory, Xu Yulan, a pretty young woman who sells fried dough on the street, catches his eye. Xu Yulan is known as the “Fried Dough Queen” for her beauty and vivacious nature. Although Xu Yulan is being courted by another man, Xe Xiaoyong, Xu Sanguan convinces Xu Yulan's father to agree to a marriage between Xu Yulan and Xu Sanguan.Years later, Xu Sanguan and Xu Yulan are well into their marriage and they have three sons, Yile, Erle and Sanle. Xu Sanguan's expanded family puts increased demands upon him to provide food and shelter. His increased obligations and his country's Cultural Revolution press against him as he struggles to provide food and shelter for his family. Xu Sanguan decides to visit the “blood chief” at the local hospital, where he sells his blood for an amount of money that is much greater than his meager pay at the silk factory. Selling blood is a potentially lethal proposition, but Xu Sanguan feels forced to take this risk in order to support his family.Over the years, Xu Sanguan's family continues to have their normal needs for food and shelter, but a famine strikes their country and Xu Sanguan once again is forced to sell blood. His family is starving and they rise only twice day from their beds to consume watery rations of corn gruel. While Xu Sanguan sells his blood to take his family out for a proper meal, he refuses to allow Yile to join them. Yile is the eldest son, but it is determined that Yile is a bastard. Yile's real father is Xe Xiaoyong, the man who was courting Xu Yulan shortly before Xu Yulan's marriage to Xu Sanguan. Xu Sanguan's sense of honor is crushed when he learns that he is a “cuckold” for raising a bastard for over nine years. The dynamics of the family continue to change throughout the novel. Xu Sanguan, Xu Yulan and the three sons struggle to survive throughout their country's turbulent changes. Xu Sanguan's relationship with Yile is tested and changes over time. Xu Sanguan risks his own life to save Yile and comes to learn that “blood money” will not only pay debts, it will forgive them, too.Chronicle of a Blood Merchant is emotionally intense and provides the reader with a gripping view of reality for the Chinese and their struggle to survive during their country's upheaval and changes. In a society that has learned to be circumspect, hostile and is impoverished, author Yu Hua provides an intense backdrop for a heartfelt, intense story of a common Chinese family's survival and growth. While the reviewer suspects that some of Yu Hua's literary talents were unable to be “carried over” in the translation of Chronicle of a Blood Merchant from Chinese to English, the book is engrossing and clearly is another literary achievement for Yu Hua. 。