
1.利是英语怎么写利 (几种含义)形容词1. (锋利; 锐利) sharp:例句: a sharp blade [sword];利刃sharp claws利爪2. (流利) fluent; eloquent:例句: quick of speech利嘴利舌3. (顺利; 便利) favourable; convenient:例句: unfavourable;不利good fortun吉利名词1. (利益) advantage; benefit:例句: without benefit;无利Each has its advantages and disadvantages.各有利弊 。
2. (利润或利息) profit;interest; gains:例句: exorbitant profits;暴利seek profits;营利3. (资源; 财富) resources; wealth:例句: water conservancy;水利land utilization;地利4. (姓氏) a surname:例句: Li Qian利乾动词(使有利) benefit:例句: benefit the nation and its people;利国利民harm others without benefit to oneself损人而不利己希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天向上 事事如意 O(∩_∩)O 。
2.英语的利,用英文写出三点do not be shy to tell the mistakes of your English teacher in school1 you can communicate with the English speaking people
2 you can work as a English news reader in CCTV9
3 You can travel around the English speaking country with ease
4 you can start reading books written in English
5 you can help direction-lost English speaking tourist in your country
6 you can start teaching your friends or even your children to speak English
7 if your English is good;tool where you can use everyday or one day.
8 you can use baiduyixia or baiduzhidao to help students to do English homework
9 you can start to date English speaking dame or guys
10 Knowing English is like having an extra language/
Miao Li
Monica['m?nik?] 莫妮卡 ,  Jannie[d??ni]珍妮 Jane [d?ein]简 Jenifer 珍妮弗 Jewel['d?u:?l] 珠儿
Joan [d??un] 琼
Joanna [d??u'?n?] 乔安娜 Joyce[d??is] 乔伊丝 Laura ['l?:r?] 罗拉 桂冠 , 月桂树 Stephenie ['stefeni] 史蒂芬妮 王冠 Cynthia ['sinθi?] 辛西娅 月亮女神 Iris艾丽丝 彩虹女Helen 海伦 倾国倾城的美女Elaine伊莱恩 , Stephenie斯蒂芬妮 , Kimberly金柏莉 , Annie安妮 Anna安娜 Athena雅典娜 Bonnie邦妮 Yvonne伊芳 Louise 路易丝 Fiona 菲奥娜 Faith 费思 Flavia 弗莱维娅 Flora 弗洛拉 Floy 弗洛伊 Florrie 弗洛莉 Florenda Frances 弗朗西丝 Lily ['lili] 百合花 Marie ['mɑ:ri] 玛丽 Carrie['k?ri:]佳丽 Diana[dai'?n?]黛安娜 Cannie ['k?ni:]
【利字英文怎么写】Teresa [te'resɑ:]杜丽莎 Connie康妮 Joyce乔伊斯 Irene艾琳 Fannie芬妮 Elaine伊莱恩 Debbie黛比 Winnie温妮 Nancy Cora 柯拉 Emma艾玛 Eunice尤妮丝
4.利字的汉浯字母利 , li , 从禾从刂(dao) , 銛也 。
从刀从和 , 和然后利 。《易》曰:“利者 , 义之和也 。”
(1) 会意 。从刀 , 从禾 。
表示以刀断禾的意思 。本义:刀剑锋利 , 刀口快 。
(2) 同本义 [sharp;exert oneself;try hard]拼音: lì宋体“利 ”字 部首:刂 部外笔画:5 总笔画:7 五笔86:TJH 五笔98:TJH 仓颉:HDLN 笔顺编号:3123422 四角号码:22900 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5229相关谜语:“利”为谜底的谜语 别后登前程(打一字) 拿刀割禾苗 (打一字) 秋收之后挂镰刀(打一字) 镰(打一字)说文解字【卷四】【刀部】利 铦也 。从刀 。
和然后利 , 从和省 。《易》曰:“利者 , 义之和也 。”
坤 , 古文利 。力至切 。

