
1.全体起立用英语怎么说All stand up全体起立
stand up英 [st?nd ?p] 美 [st?nd ?p]
1、The students all stand up.
学生们都站起来 。
【抬用英语怎么说】2、At times we four are quietly reading when suddenly the telephone ring is sounded and all of us should stand up coincidentally and then sit down simultaneously.
3、However, not all private-owned enterprises can stand up to the test of market economy.
虽然民营企业的发展势头很猛,但是并不是所有的民营企业都能长久地经受市场经济的考验 。
近义词All Rise
1、We must all rise to the challenge.
我们必须全体行动起来,面对挑战 。
2、Let us all rise up to repudiate traditional Christianity.
让我们都起来弃绝传统的基督教 。
3、I think it shod be all rise.
我觉得应该全是高潮 。
2.请举手用英语怎么说请举手用的英语是:raise your hand,please. 读音【'reiz j?:(r) h?nd, pli:z】 例句:All those in favour, please signify by raising your hand.所有赞成的人,请举手 。
raise 读音:英[re?z] 美[rez] v. 筹集; 提升; 增加; 养育; n. 提升; 增加; 举起; 高处; 例句:He raised his hand to wave.他举手挥动起来 。第三人称单数:raises 现在分词:raising 过去式:raised过去分词:raised hands n. 人手; 手( hand的名词复数 ); (工具等的) 把; 帮助; 原型: hand 例句:The branches tore at my jacket and scratched my hands and face.树枝刮破了我的夹克,划伤了我的手和脸 。
扩展资料 同义词lift; elevate ;hoist; raise 【词义:举起,升起】用法解析:1、lift v. 举起,抬起 指用体力或机械将人或事物举起;也指抬起某一身体部位 。例:The crane lifted the container onto the truck.吊车把集装箱吊运到卡车上 。
2、elevate v. [正式]举起,提升 指将人或物抬高、举高,也可引申指提高地位或职位 。例:Gradually elevate the patient into an upright position.把病人慢慢托到直立的位置 。
They attempted to elevate Roland to the position of president.他们企图把罗兰抬上总统宝座 。3、hoist v. 把…吊起,升起 常指用绳索、起重机等把某物升起 。
例:The sailors hoisted the flags in the morning.水手们早晨升起了旗帜 。4、raise v. 举起,抬起 常指用体力将某事物抬高或举高;也指抬起眼睛、头或脸以向上看 。
例:He raised the dumbbell from the ground.他把哑铃从地上举起来 。He raised his eyes and stared at her.他抬眼盯视着她 。
Most villagers there rear cattle.那里大多数村民都养牛 。The birds used to be reared in captivity.这些鸟曾经是笼养的 。
bring up phr. v. [英]抚养,养育 〔辨析〕 指照顾、教导孩子直到其成年 。〔例证〕 He was brought up by his aunt.他是由姑姑抚养大的 。
Children are usually brought up to follow parents' advices.小孩子通常都被教导要听父母的话 。raise v. [尤美]抚养;培育 〔辨析〕 指抚养孩子长大;也指饲养动物或种植某种植物 。
〔例证〕 After her divorce, she alone raised her three children.离婚后,她独自抚养3个孩子 。He raised sheep when he was young.他年轻的时候养过羊 。
She planned to raise strawberries after retirement.她计划退休之后种植草莓 。10、with open hands 慷慨地,手头大方地 。

