
1.西藏用英语怎么说是Tibet 英文Tibet 一词,可能源于突厥人和蒙古人称藏族为“土伯特”,在元代经阿拉伯人介绍到西方 。
在民族称谓上,Tibet 对应于“藏族”;但是在地域称谓上,Tibet 有时对应于“西藏”,有时又泛指整个藏族地区,与“西藏”的含义有重大差异 。西藏是汉语的翻译西藏以前叫吐蕃国吐蕃藏语叫,意思是高原的意思 所以英文叫tibet由此而来 。
中华人民共和国成立以后,1965年西藏自治区正式建立,西藏一词即成为西藏自治区的简称,单字简称为“藏” 。扩展资料: 1977年,联合国第三届地名标准化会议根据“名从主人”的原则,决定采用汉语拼音为中国地名罗马字母拼写法的国际标准 。
【西藏用英语怎么说】中国的大多数的地方名称,一律在英语里都用汉语拼音,而西藏却用“Tibet” 。我国有规定,如果这个少数民族有自己的语言,在一些拼写上就尽量使用本族的语言来拼写 。
这是对少数民族文化的尊重 。比如: 1、布达拉宫:Potala Palace 2、大昭寺:Jokhang Temple 3、罗布林卡:Norbulinka Monastery 4、哲蚌寺:Drepung Monastery 5、甘丹寺:Ganden Monastery 6、色拉寺:Sera Monastery都是用的藏语音节拼写的 。
英文Tibet 一词,可能源于突厥人和蒙古人称藏族为“土伯特”,在元代经阿拉伯人介绍到西方 。在民族称谓上,Tibet 对应于“藏族”;但是在地域称谓上,Tibet 有时对应于“西藏”,有时又泛指整个藏族地区,与“西藏”的含义有重大差异 。
西藏是汉语的翻译西藏以前叫吐蕃国吐蕃藏语叫,意思是高原的意思 所以英文叫tibet由此而来 。中华人民共和国成立以后,1965年西藏自治区正式建立,西藏一词即成为西藏自治区的简称,单字简称为“藏” 。
1977年,联合国第三届地名标准化会议根据“名从主人”的原则,决定采用汉语拼音为中国地名罗马字母拼写法的国际标准 。中国的大多数的地方名称,一律在英语里都用汉语拼音,而西藏却用“Tibet” 。
我国有规定,如果这个少数民族有自己的语言,在一些拼写上就尽量使用本族的语言来拼写 。这是对少数民族文化的尊重 。比如:
1、布达拉宫:Potala Palace
2、大昭寺:Jokhang Temple
3、罗布林卡:Norbulinka Monastery
4、哲蚌寺:Drepung Monastery
5、甘丹寺:Ganden Monastery
6、色拉寺:Sera Monastery都是用的藏语音节拼写的 。
3.急求英文介绍西藏Brief Introduction to Tibet The Tibet Autonomous Region is located in the southwest part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It borders on Sichuan and Yunnan provinces to the east, Qinghai and Xinjiang to the north, and shares borders with India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Burma to the south, and bounded by Kashmir to the west. The region covers more than 1.2 million square kilometers, accounting for one eighth of China's total land mass, and ranking second in China. Tibet has various complex landforms such as high and steep mountains, deep valleys, glaciers, bare rocks and gobi deserts. All places in the region lie at an average altitude of more than 4,000 meters. It is roughly divided into four areas: the north Tibet plateau, the south Tibet valley, east Tibet mountains and valleys, and Himalaya Mountains. It is bitterly cold in winter, with a marked difference in temperature between daytime and night. It features scarce precipitation and a sharp contrast between the dry and wet seasons. It is dry in winter and spring, with frequent occurrence of strong winds, as well as a low oxygen content. Tibet is so sunny as to have an annual sunshine of between 1,500 and 3,400 hours. It has a short frost-free period, usually ranging from 120 to 140 days a year. Tibet has a population of 2.61 million, 92.2 percent of whom are Tibetans, or 2.41 million. Apart from Tibetans, there are other ethnic groups such as Han, Hui, Monba, Lhoba. Enditem Tibet's Population Increases 400,000 in Ten Years The fifth census of the Tibet Autonomous Region shows that Tibet 's population has shot up 420,300 in ten years. The region currently has a total population of 2.62 million , up 420,300 , compared to the figure of 2.2 million as indicated in the fourth census , rising at an average annual rate of 40,700 , or 1.7 per cent. Of all residents in the region, Tibetans number 2.41 million , accounting for 92.2 percent. Han people, the majority in most of China, number 155 ,300 , 5.9 percent of the total. Other ethnic minorities have a combined population of 49,900 , 1.9 percent of the total. 。