
1.“放鞭炮”英文怎么说眼看春节还有不满一个月就到了,咱们周围的年味儿也是越来越浓 。
看着商场打折、公司开年会,也不要忘了我们中国人的传统新年习俗 。比如放鞭炮,你从小玩儿到大的,但要问你英文怎么说,你可知道哇?放鞭炮:to set off firecrackers; to shoot off firecrackers 注意这里的“放”这个动词,可以用set off,或者shoot off皆可;而“鞭炮”则是firecracker,或者直接用cracker也可以 。
童鞋们要注意firecrackers和fireworks的区别:前者是鞭炮、炮仗;而后者指的是烟火、礼花,特别是大型的户外礼花表演 。那么除了放鞭炮,其他春节习俗又怎么用英语表达呢?听小编给你一一道来:吃饺子:eat dumplings; eat stuffed dumplings贴年画儿:paste New Year paintings穿新衣:put on new clothes;拿压岁钱:get Lucky money;贴春联:paste Spring Festival couplets;守岁:watch night/stay up late on New Year's Eve逛灯会:join the Lantern Festival猜灯谜:guess Lantern riddles吃汤圆:eat sweet dumplings 权责声明:本站所有音乐均网上搜集仅做宽带测试,任何涉及商业盈利目的均不得使用,否则后果自负!如遇歌曲不能播放,系歌曲链接失效,请谅解!本站全部歌曲的所有权归其唱片公司或歌手所有 。
请购买正版支持你的偶像 。
Shoot off firecrackers
They had to let off firecrackers by way of apology.
他们得放鞭炮赔礼 。
They propose that firecrackers are forbidden in downtown area.
他们建议商业区内禁止放鞭炮 。
Children like to shoot off firecrackers in the Spring Festival.
孩子们喜欢在春节时放鞭炮 。
It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year.
而且,据说放鞭炮还能为人们在新的一年里带来好运气 。
Setting off firecrackers can add to the festive atmosphere and offer an outlet for people's pleasure and excitement.
”放鞭炮能增添节日的气氛,给人们充分表达欢乐兴奋之情的机会 。”
In the Second District, letting off fire crackers and ceremonial guns is forbidden, with a fine of 1.20 yuan for the former and 2.40 yuan for the latter.
二都禁放鞭炮和三眼铳,放鞭炮的罚洋一元二角,放铳的罚洋二元四角 。
the crack of a whip; he heard the cracking of the ice.
点燃的鞭炮发出噼啪声 。
They set off firecrackers to celebrate the successful completion of the reservoir.
他们燃放鞭炮庆祝水库的胜利建成 。
On July 4 we set off fire crackers in many places.
7月4日开国纪念日,我们在各地燃放鞭炮 。
3.放鞭炮怎么说(用英语)Set off firecrackers 。
1、set off:放
1、我们新年的时候放鞭炮 。
英译:We have firecrackers at New Year!
2、男孩们一下午都在放鞭炮和爆竹 。
英译:The boys spent the afternoon setting off Squibs and firecrackers.
3、春节放鞭炮,圣诞节有烟花,但是没有鞭炮 。
英译:The Chinese New Year: firecrackers, fireworks Christmas, but no firecrackers.
放爆竹是中国传统民俗,已有两千多年历史,相传是为了驱赶一种叫年的怪兽 。当午夜交正子时,新年钟声敲响,整个中华大地上空,爆竹声震响天宇 。
在这“岁之元、月之元、时之元”的“三元”时刻,有的地方还在庭院里垒“旺火”,以示旺气通天,兴隆繁盛 。
1. squibbing firecrackers
2. Shoot off firecrackers
他们得放鞭炮赔礼 。
They had to let off firecrackers by way of apology.
他们建议商业区内禁止放鞭炮 。