
1.“专业”用英语怎么说1、专业的英语表示为:profession 。
2、profession的英式发音为[pr?'fe?(?)n],美式发音为[pr?'f???n],释义:职业,专业;声明,宣布,表白 。
1、Harper was a teacher by profession
哈珀的职业是教师 。
2、The attitude of the medical profession is very much more liberal now.
现在,医务人员的态度开明多了 。
3、Only 20 per cent of jobs in the professions are held by women.
在这些职业中,只有20%的岗位是由女性担任的 。
4、My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and temperament.
我的职业对我性格和脾气的形成有重要的影响 。
5、She's a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women
她的职业是护士,现在开办了一个妇女咨询中心 。
6、We have had to contend with the disinterest of much of the medical profession about this topic.
我们必须全力对付很多医疗界人士对这一话题的冷漠 。
7、Research is the corner-stone of the profession.
研究是这一职业的基础 。
【英语专业用英语怎么说】8、He soon came to revise his opinion of the profession.
他很快就改变了对这个职业的看法 。
9、He is a carpenter by profession.
他以木工为业 。
10、The depth of covert racism in my own profession frightens me.
我所从事的职业中暗藏着如此深的种族主义偏见,这让我感到害怕 。
2.【英语翻译好像有英式英语或美式英语之说吧,我今年大二,翻译专我和你一样,今年大二,翻译专业.说的是比较中规中矩的美音,也学了点英音.我大一的时候接受过北京甲申的培训,老师的意思是其实口音对翻译来说并不重要,只要每个词都按音标念对了,一般人能听明白就行.半英半美还算好的,我经常听见有些采访人员或者翻译拿非常中式的英文跟老外交流,老外有时候还觉得很有意思.可见口译领域对发音的要求并不是非得一口voa或者bbc播音员式的英语,而他们关注更多的是在你的语速、连贯性和表达意思上.如果一定要问矫正口音的趋势,应该是美音应用更广,因为美国对各国的影响力更大,美语自然更普及.但是如果你要留学去美国,就会发现美国人特别喜欢说英音的人,在他们眼中英音独特、高贵.反正我觉得口音这东西纯粹个人喜好,你喜欢哪种发音就可以向这个方向多练一练,但是没必要强求. 。
3.英语专业翻译Malfunction diagnoses technology is a newly subject developed in recent 40 years.It is a interdisciplinary subject of application type across various subjects, which is formed to meet the needs in engineering practice.With the modern machinery equipment developing into large-scale ,complex,robotizationd and concatenation,once the equipment is in malfunction,it will bring about unmeasurable loss for citizen's life and security.Therefore, it is of paramount important to carry out the experiment on malfunction diagnoses and the study on signal process technology.This article dissertates on the primary process of malfunction diagnoses ;introduces the situation in development and application the history of malfunction diagnoses technology.,especially several developing phases in our country;and gives prospect on malfunction diagnoses and the study of signal process technology.The vibration signal usually used in malfunction diagnoses and the methods used in signal processing are studied. As he malfunction of axletree takes a large proportion in rotating machinery, this article mainly aims to study the malfunction on axletree. Besides ,the software "MatLab" is used to carry out the experiment on compound malfunction in rotating machinery and signal process technology.
注:本人是英语专业大三学生,对机械方面的专业术语不是很了解 。里面有一些专业术语翻译可能不太准确,建议你自己在你们的教材附录里面找下专业术语的英语 。如有什么地方不理解,请与本人联系 。