
1.改掉坏习惯用英语怎么说改掉坏习惯用英语是get rid of the bad habit 。
1.如何改掉坏习惯: To break bad habits
2.想改掉坏习惯: backslider
3.为爱人改掉个坏习惯: change one bad habit
Developing good habits and overcoming bad habits
2.基于这本书,以下给出四则贴士,教你如何改掉坏习惯 。
Here are four tips to stop bad habits based on the book
3.决定要改掉坏习惯是件棘手的事,用正确的心态,在仅仅一个月的时间里改掉一个习惯更为棘手 。
Getting ready to break a bad habit is tough, and getting in the right mindset to break a habit in just a month is even tougher.
2.改正坏习惯用英语怎么说改掉坏习惯英文:break a bad habit习惯英文:be accustomed to; be used to; habit; custom practice ;It is not easy to get out of a bad habit. 改掉坏习惯是不容易的.How can you get rid of a bad habit? 你怎样才能改掉坏习惯 呢 ?Courage is breaking bad habits. 勇气,是改掉坏习惯.
英文:break a bad habit
英文:be accustomed to; be used to; habit; custom practice ;
It is not easy to get out of a bad habit.
How can you get rid of a bad habit?
你怎样才能改掉坏习惯 呢 ?
Courage is breaking bad habits.
3.改正坏习惯用英语怎么说改掉坏习惯英文:break a bad habit习惯英文:be accustomed to; be used to; habit; custom practice ;It is not easy to get out of a bad habit. 改掉坏习惯是不容易的.How can you get rid of a bad habit? 你怎样才能改掉坏习惯 呢 ?Courage is breaking bad habits. 勇气,是改掉坏习惯.改掉坏习惯英文:break a bad habit习惯英文:be accustomed to; be used to; habit; custom practice ;It is not easy to get out of a bad habit.改掉坏习惯是不容易的.How can you get rid of a bad habit?你怎样才能改掉坏习惯 呢 ?Courage is breaking bad habits.勇气,是改掉坏习惯 。

