刷牙用英语怎么说 刷牙用英文怎么说

1.刷牙用英语怎么说刷牙 Tooth brushing
1. 我刷牙 I brush my teeth ; I am brushing ; I brush your teeth
2. 刷牙洗脸 Brush your teeth wash ; Grooming ; Brush wash
3. 有效刷牙 Toothbrushing Effectively
4. 刷牙单位 Brushing unit
5. 不要刷牙 No toothbrushing
6. 请刷牙 Brush your teeth, please
7. 刷牙法 Bass method of brushing ; iutrasulcular method ; bass
8. 每天刷牙 Brush teeth everyday
9. 她刷牙 She was brushing her teeth
10. 例句:
1. 我说 , “我们应该发明一个能刷牙的机器 。” Our invention should be a machine that brushes you teeth! article.yeeyan.org
2. 那些你刷牙时候的泡沫就是来自像钠盐和硫酸盐一类的洗涤剂 。Those suds you see when you brush your teeth are from detergents like sodium lauryl sulfate. article.yeeyan.org
3. 她发现 , 大多数人一天撒谎一次或两次 , 几乎与他们从冰箱里取零食或刷牙一样经常 。Most people, she found, lie once or twice a day—almost as often as they snack from the refrigerator or brush their teeth. article.yeeyan.org
4. 刷牙:刷牙是使用牙刷去除牙菌斑、软垢和食物残渣 , 保持口腔清洁的重要自我口腔保健方法;也是人们自我清除菌斑 , 预防牙周病发生、发展和复发的最主要手段 。选择合适的牙刷、牙膏、刷牙方法可以最大程度的帮助控制牙菌斑 , 维护口腔健康或延长修复体的使用寿命 。如果刷牙方法不适当 , 不但达不到刷牙的目的 , 反会引起各种不良后果 , 最常见的是牙龈萎缩和牙齿颈部的楔状缺损 。
2.“刷牙”英文怎么说Brush teeth
读音: [br?? ti:θ]
1、Thoroughly brush teeth and gums twice daily
每天两次彻底刷净牙齿和牙龈 。
2、Number of times of brushing teeth with time: Must brush teeth sooner or later, gargle.
刷牙的次数和时间:早晚必须刷牙 , 漱口 。
3、It's a ritual& shower, comb hair, shave, brush teeth, dress.
它仿佛成为了一种必经的步骤 , 淋浴 , 梳头 , 剃须 , 刷牙 , 着装 。
4、You wash face, brush teeth first and then come to eat breakfast.
【刷牙用英语怎么说 刷牙用英文怎么说】哦 , 对不起 , 我现在去做早饭 。你先洗脸 , 刷牙 , 然后来吃早饭 。
5、Later ah, usually brush teeth, can't eat sugar more with other sweet thing.
以后呀 , 经常刷牙 , 不能多吃糖和其他甜的东西 。
读音:英 ['tu:θw??] 美 ['tu:θw??]
1、During the Spring Festival holidays, the Municipal Stomatology Hospital and many dental clinics became extremely busy suddenly, as toothwash has become a new fashion.
春节过节这几天可忙坏了市口腔医院等牙科诊所 , 抽空洗牙成了一种新时尚 。
2、As our reporter learnt, in the7-day period, people coming to the stomatology hospital for toothwash never stopped, and many of them came for toothwash for the first time.
据了解 , 放假的7天里 , 来市口腔医院洗牙的人一直都没断过 , 其中有许多还是第一次来洗牙 。
1、我刷牙 I brush my teeth ; I am brushing ; I brush your teeth
2、刷牙洗脸 Brush your teeth wash ; Grooming ; Brush wash
3、有效刷牙 Toothbrushing Effectively
4、刷牙单位 Brushing unit
5、不要刷牙 No toothbrushing
6、请刷牙 Brush your teeth, please
7、刷牙法 Bass method of brushing ; iutrasulcular method ; bass