袜拼音怎么写的( 二 )

3. 袜子的英文怎么写 袜子的英文是sock 。
sock 英[s?k] 美[sɑ:k]
n. 短袜; (尤指用拳头) 猛击 , 重击;
vt. 重击; 给…穿袜;
[例句]Come on, lads. Sock it to 'em.
来吧 , 伙计们 , 让他们开开眼 。
He needs to pull his socks up if he is to make a success of his career.
如果他打算事业上有所成的话 , 就必须加把劲儿 。
Sock Shop was one of the high-street success stories of the 80s.
“袜铺”是20世纪80年代商业成功的范例之一 。
There's a hole in my sock.
【袜拼音怎么写的】我的袜子上有个破洞 。