project怎么写( 二 )

3. independent project怎么写 independent project 独立项目 例句: 以下例句来源于网络 , 仅供参考1The results were encouraging, he says, but this independent project folded this year from lack of funding. 他说 , 结果是令人鼓舞的 , 但是这项独立的计划却在今年由于缺乏资金而失败了 。
2 The independent project approach has met with success in varied educational settings. 独立项目研究这种方法在各种不同的教育情境下都取得了成功 。3Petra: Well, my boss has just given me my first independent project to run. 彼得拉:嗯 , 我刚第一次接获老板交代要独立完成的任务 。
4. Research Project怎么写,或者帮我写也行,不过分数要高一点 Some students experience a little anxiety at the start of a big research project. They may get started late, not because of procrastination, but because they don't know where to start! These tips will help you take the first few steps. These are things you can do to give yourself more confidence and to help you get started right on time.If you want to wrote by others,you can search 51due.I think they can help you. 。

