喜欢的食物怎么写( 二 )

我不觉动了情,想去看看一向不大喜欢的蜜蜂 。
荔枝林深处,隐隐露出一角白屋,那是温泉公社的养蜂场,却起了个有趣的名儿,叫“养蜂大厦” 。一走近“大厦”,只见成群结队的蜜蜂出出进进,飞去飞来,那沸沸扬扬的情景会使你想,说不定蜜蜂也在赶着建设什么新生活呢 。
养蜂员老梁领我走进“大厦” 。叫他老梁,其实是个青年,举动挺稳重 。大概是老梁想叫我深入一下蜜蜂的生活,他小心地揭开一个木头蜂箱,箱里隔着一排板,板上满是蜜蜂,蠕蠕地爬动 。蜂王是黑褐色的,身量特别长,每只工蜂都愿意用自己分泌的王浆来供养它 。
老梁说:“能割几十斤 。蜜蜂这东西,最爱劳动 。广东天气好,花又多,蜜蜂一年四季都不闲着 。酿的蜜多,自己吃的可有限 。每回割蜜,留下一点点,够它们吃的就行了 。它们从来不争,也不计较什么,还是继续劳动,继续酿蜜,整日整月不辞辛苦……”
老梁说:“怎么不怕?你得提防虫子爬进来,还得提防大黄蜂 。大黄蜂这贼最恶,常常落在蜜蜂窝洞口,专干坏事 。”
我不觉笑道:“噢!自然界也有侵略者 。该怎么对付大黄蜂呢?”
老梁说:“赶!赶不走就打死它 。要让它呆在那儿,会咬死蜜蜂的 。”
老梁说:“蜂王可以活三年,工蜂最多活六个月 。”
我不禁一颤:多可爱的小生灵啊!对人无所求,给人的却是极好的东西 。蜜蜂是在酿蜜,又是在酿造生活;不是为自己,而是为人类酿造最甜的生活 。蜜蜂是渺小的,蜜蜂却又多么高尚啊!
透过荔枝树林,我望着远远的田野,那儿正有农民立在水田里,辛勤地分秧插秧 。他们正用劳力建设自己的生活,实际也是在酿蜜--为自己,为别人,也为后世子孙酿造生活的蜜 。
这天夜里,我做了个奇怪的梦,梦见自己变成一只小蜜蜂 。
4. 我喜欢的食物的短文怎么写 第一篇:My favorite food is anything Chinese. I like Chinese food the best out of all other cuisines in the world. You can find many different flavors in different dishes and snacks. It is amazing how the Chinese chefs put together a dish using very basic materials but yielding to a very unique flavor. Shredded pork in garlic sauce, with the Chinese name as Yu Xiang Rou Si, is one of my favorite dishes. You can taste the special flavor in this dish, a little bit sour, a little bit sweet, a little bit salty, and the best thing is that there's no fish involved in this dish but you can kind of taste the fish flavor!
第二:My Favorite Food
Among all the food including snacks, I like chocolates and hamburgers most.
Chocolates make me feel like I am flying, it's a kind of sweet feelings, and every time I have them, I enjoy them. While hamburgers, the cheese, the chicken, and the bread in it all together just like a sweater, makes me feel warm, and also full.
I like the kind of food which makes me feel satisfied, just likechocolates and hamburgers.
(hehe, hope you like it)
第三:My favourite food/ dish is MMMM (write your favourite!). It is because MMMM has a very good taste. Not to mention its taste, it has a very high nutritional value. It is easy to prepare, easy to get in market. Comparatively, I found that food such as XXX, YYY, QQQQ are not as good because they do not carry the special (sweet/bitter/sour/spicy/salty) favour that I can find in MMMM.
5. 我喜欢的一种食品 寒假中,我吃到了不少我喜欢的食品 。可我最最喜欢的,还是大闸蟹,因为它的味道最鲜美 。