写一封英语的信怎么写( 二 )

2. 怎样写一封英语的信 Hello, Professor Chen.
My family is like that.
I have an engineer father, he worked hard. For the sake of our family life stable. My mother a housewife at home, so that well-being of our lives. She is willing to stay at home in order to better take care of me and sister. We are still studying, learning seriously. The two are good students.
Maybe I will make something wrong, but, dear Chen, please believe that I am always willing to listen to your teaching. So that their knowledge richer.
I gave Yueqi Guo your mother, she said, why, you do not invite you to Chen's teacher asked her to come to our house?
I want t范钉顿固塥改舵爽罚鲸o say Dear Professor Chen, when you have time to do?
Your. .
3. 写一封英语信 Dear XX I tell you something about my winter holiday.I spend my spring festival with my family.I watch TV and play computer games.I feel really happy.And i'm still learning english.i think it's a diffidult language to learn.do you think so? i often make mistakes in grammar and pronunciation. so i try my best to learn english.i learn it by watching english movies and make conversations with my friends and so on. i believe that i could make a big progress by these ways. Best wishes! yours,XX有的地方大小写懒得切换了 , 而且我也不知道要求是什么语态的 , 就用一般现在时的 。
字数不知够不够 。绝对原创 , 放心抄吧 。
水平跟你要求的差不多 , 我初三的 。
4. 写一封英语信 Dear Paul,
Hi! I have received your letter.I am sorry to know that.I don't think your friendship is over.Maybe you should write a letter to him,or you can talk with him about it on the phone.If you don't want to do that,you can invite him to your house to watch videos or have dinner together.I think he will be happy.If he still refuses you,you can let another friend to talk with him.I hope you will be best friends soon.
Li Lei
5. 写一封英语信 Dear Tom:
I am glad to hear from you .From the letter i get to know that you are interested in our school activities.Now let me tell you clearly.
We all students have one hour or more to take part in activities organized by ourselves after 3:30 every afternoon.In addition,scool organizes a lot of interests classes.There are maths,computer,science,english,dancing and so on.What is more,band and sport teams are included,students can attend anyone or more they like.
Now students actively take part in them especially ball games.All of us enjoy a wonderful afternoon.Besides,more and more students join in the english club as it is benificial to our english practice.
6. 一封给笔友的信英语怎么写 急 20 2007-09-22 用英语给笔友写一封信 , 内容如下 86 2011-07-10 给笔友的一封信 英语作文 35 2009-08-25 英语作文翻译给笔友保罗写一封信: 39 更多相关问题>> 笔友:英语 笔友:peter 笔友:回信 笔友:飞鸿 2008-11-06 写给笔友的英语作文 146 2010-01-10 找笔友英语作文 113 2011-01-14 笔友用英语怎么写 39 2010-12-25 做笔友的英语是什么 19 2011-11-28 关于笔友的英语作文? 13 更多关于笔友:英语的问题>> 2011-02-17 假如你是李明 , 你的笔友Peter将随团来你校进行为期一天的学习交流活 。
29 2009-07-19 假如你是李华 , 应向英国笔友peter的要求 , 写一封英文信介绍学校的基本 。21 2011-01-07 假如你是李明 , 你的笔友Peter来信询问你在学校的学习 , 生活情况 , 请 。
【写一封英语的信怎么写】 13 2011-05-06 急!英语作文有木有!假如你叫李华 , 下面是你的美国笔友peter写给 。11 2012-04-18 英语作文假如你是李华 , 你的美国笔友Peter最近来中国学习 , 他写信向 。