辞职信的英文怎么写( 二 )

5. 英文辞职信怎么写 Date
Letter of Resignation
Dear XX,
It is to my regret to inform you that I am rendering my resignation effective from . I would like to atke this opportunity to thank you for the guidance and patience you have shown me during my employment at the company.
2. My apologies for the inconveniences caused. I look foward to working with you again in the future.
3. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
6. 英文辞职信 最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:北陌离歌 英文辞职信(范例) dearmr.ben(thenameofyourboss): 尊敬的ben先生(老板的名字): ①pleaseacceptthisletterasformalnotificationthatiamleavingmypositionwithxxxcompanyonaugust7. 请接受这封辞职信,我将于八月七日正式辞去我在xxx公司的职位 。
②ihaveallowed30dayspriortomydepartureforassistinginthetransitionprocess. 离职之前,我有30天时间来帮助移交工作 。③althoughihaveenjoyedmyjob,ihavereceivedanofferforanothercompanythatifeelisbettersuited6tomycareerobjectives. 虽然很喜欢日前的工作,但我已得到另一家公司提供的更适合我事业目标的职位 。
④thankyouforyourkindattentionandwouldappreciateifyoucouldletmehaveareferenceletterbeforeileave. 感谢您对我的关照,如果您能为我写一封推荐信,我将不胜感激 。⑤iregrethavingtoresignfrommyposition.iwishyouandxxxthebestofluckandfuturesuccess. 很遗憾我不得不辞职 。
祝您和xxx公司好运相伴,未来更加兴旺发达 。⑥ificanbeofanyassistanceduringthistransition,pleaseletmeknow. 如果在工作交接期有需要我做的事情,请通知我 。
sincerely, 真诚的 (yourfullname) (你的全名)更多*外贸业务员英文辞职信英文辞职信范文个人原因3年员 。
7. 英文辞职信 Memorandum TOFROMDATESUBJECT Please accept my resignation as Associate Chemist at XXX Research, Inc.; my last day will be August 15, 19–. While enjoying assigned projects and contributing to the company's overall growth, I feel it's very tired for me to do them .i'm sorry to tell you i 'm no fell well in my body.but to be turely,the projects in which I developed a keen interest during my graduate studies. i also so sad to reject this job and i will pass the work to the other well.This decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years. Please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at XXX Inc 。
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