英语鸟单词怎么写( 三 )

1. They warned him that next time he'd find himself doing bird.
他们警告他下次他可能就要进监狱了 。
2. As usual, Wheeler, a wise old bird, got it right.
和往常一样,惠勒——一个非常聪明的人——又做对了 。
3. he was such a decent old bird.
她是一个如此端庄的女人 。
4. The bird flew away.
鸟儿飞走了 。
5. The bird drooped his wings.
鸟垂下了翅膀 。
6. If you were a bird, you could fly.
假使你是只鸟,你便会飞了 。
7. I bought a bag of bird feed.
8. 我买了一袋鸟食 。
9. You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching.
你可以参与从划独木舟到观鸟等各种活动 。
10. From the hill we can take a bird's-eye view of the city.
从山上我们可以鸟瞰全城 。