写便条的英语怎么写( 二 )

结束语I trust my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience.望我的缺席不会给你带来太大的不便 。Please favor me with an early reply.敬请早复 。
Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.希望能及早处理此事 。Please give an extension of leave for three days.请准予续假三天为盼 。
1 。
2. 一张好的英语便条怎么写 便条主要包括请假条、留言条、电话留言条(电话记录)等 。
英文便条一般包括四个部分:日期、称呼、正文和署名 。
范例1:你病了,不能上学,请用英语给高老师写一个请假条 。
英文提示:sorry,tell you,not feel well,a bad cold,headache,cough,the doctor,take some medicine,stay in bed,two days,can't go to school,today,tomorrow,hope,get well,soon
参考范文: Nov.11th
Dear Miss Gao,
I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not feeling well today.I caught a bad cold last night.I had got a headache and coughed day and night.The doctor told me to take some medicine and stay in bed for two days.So I can't go to school today and tomorrow.I hope I can get well soon.Thanks.
Your student,
Li Lei
范例2:请根据以下内容写一个电话记录,打电话的日期是8月12日,时间是9点10分 。字数:20---30词 。
B:Hello!May I speak to Jim,please?
A:Sorry,he's out at the moment.Who is it?
B:Bill.Could you take a message for me,please?
B:Please ask Jim to bring my English book to my home this evening.I need it very much.
B:Thanks a lot.Bye!
A:Not at all.
Telephone Message
From:Bill To:Jim
Date:August 12 Time:9:10
Message:Please take his English book to his home this evening.
July 1,2010
Here is a piece of good news for you. We decide to have dinner party to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival tonight,so please participate in our party, I am sure you will be happy with us. The dinner party will begin at seven O'clock, waiting for your coming.
Yours Classmate,(可写可不写)
3. 怎样用英语写便条 便笺(Short Note)属于英文信函的一种,实际是一种简短信函,形式比一般书信简单,大多使用非正式语体 。
便笺经常用于熟识的朋友、同事之间,因而临时性强,内容简短,格式简便 。写便笺时需要写清以下内容:时间、人名及事由 。
从格式上来讲,便笺的称呼和结尾谦称部分是比较随意的,可以直接写上对方以及自己的名字,省略类似于Mr., Dear, Sincerely yours等礼貌用语 。时间的写法也相对较随意,写星期几或者月日都是可以接受的,同时还可以具体到几点钟 。
便笺的内容一般是涉及请假、预约、通知、访友不遇留言、接电话留言等等,下面列举一些例子供大家参考 。1. 请假条 请假条可由别人代写,也可由请假人自己写 。
无论采取何种形式,其内容必须包括请假事由和期限,必要时还需附上医生的诊断或其他的可以证明请假事由的书面材料 。July 20, 2007 Dear Mr. Black: I am terribly sorry to inform you that I am unable to go to school today owing to a severe headache. I enclose a certificate from the doctor who is attending on me, as she fears it will be two days before I shall be able to resume my study. Could you kindly excuse my absence on Monday and Tuesday? Thanks 。
Peter 2. 约会条 约会条主要用于邀朋友相聚等,内容必须包含约会的事由,如果已经确定了时间和地点,则应将具体时间和地点写在便笺上 。Aug 8, 2007 Andy, Fred is now with us. He is going to New York tomorrow morning to pursue his graduate study and we will not be able to see him for a long time. We are having a dinner party at 7 p.m. this evening at my home. It would be nice if you could come over and see him 。