邻居的英文怎么写的( 二 )

4. 邻居用英语怎么说 邻居的英语:neighbour
读音:英 ['ne?b?(r)] 美 ['ne?b?r]
n. 邻居;邻近之人或事;邻近值
v. 邻近;接壤
1、associate with neighbour 与邻居交往
2、invite neighbour 邀请邻居
3、friendly neighbour 友好的邻居
4、neighbour on the north 北面的邻国
1、You can inquire of your neighbours where the post office is.
你可以问问你的邻居邮局在哪儿 。
2、The widow gossiped about her neighbors.
这个寡妇说邻居的闲话了 。
3、She loves visiting with her neighbours and having a good gossip.
她喜欢找左邻右舍聊天,说人家的长短 。
4、She used to have a quarrel with her neighbours about some trifles on the average of once every three days.
过去她平均每隔三天就要为鸡毛蒜皮的事和邻居吵一次嘴 。
词源解说:直接源自古英语的neahgebur,意为邻居 。
1、neighbour的基本意思是“邻居”,还可作“邻近的人〔物〕”“邻国”解 。用于比喻时,可指不离左右的东西 。
2、neighbour是英式拼法,美式拼法是neighbor 。
5. “邻居”用英语怎么说 您好,根据您的问题,邻居用英语表达如下:
a neighbor,neighbor,neighbour,vicinage,neighborhood
1、The burbs neighborhood 整蛊邻居
2、Neighbours From Hell
3、Neighbos Fom He
4、Neiours From Hell新邻居
【邻居的英文怎么写的】5、The New Neighbours