park怎么写( 二 )

在大门的右边有一棵桂花,走前去,微风一吹,桂花香气迎面飘来,令人神清气爽!向前走,你会发现四周都围着绿油油的福建茶,左右有紫色的七彩扶桑和带刺的海棠 。最左边有红菊花和一列黄菊花,菊花叶上有细细的毛,红菊花中间有层黄色的花芯 。
菊花的旁边有一棵杜鹃,杜鹃的叶子上有层软刺,手摸上去感觉痒痒的 。再往前走,就到了花园中心,花园中心是一个池塘,里面有一座假山,山上长出几棵富贵竹,山周围还有可爱的小鱼在温暖的阳光下,自由自在地游着 。
欣赏了大半个花园,差不多就到了花园的尽头,那里种着三棵大叶榕,叶子就像一把大大的扇子,有的同学热了,还从地上检来落叶扇凉呢!接着,我闻着淡淡的花香,听着小鸟的歌声,看着嫩绿的小草,鲜艳的花朵,恋恋不舍地离开了学校的植物园 。Our campus has a beautiful garden, the garden flowers in full bloom, charactizing a fine spring day. Walk into, as if in another world. This beautiful garden is located in the school the two rows behind the teaching building on the left. We walked along the cement road to the garden gate, the door it says "botanical garden" three characters. Front of the door into the garden and saw a piece of green, and soon, he heard a bird in the land of "twittering" cried, as if in welcome us to visit their homes. Look at these flowers and plants, such as bamboo, osmanthus, chrysanthemum plants. The bamboo on the left side of the door, I look up down the bamboo pole, bamboo has five stories high, resting on the bamboo leaves many birds, because bamboo is very lush, can shade shelter for the birds. There is a sweet osmanthus tree on the right side of the door to go forward, the breeze blows, osmanthus fragrance wafts toward, refreshing! Going forward, you will find all around the green tea, fujian have purple folk around haitang fusang and a thorn. There's a red chrysanthemums and the left often, fine hairs chrysanthemum leaf, red chrysanthemum yellow flowers core middle layer. Beside the chrysanthemum is a cuckoo, the cuckoo leaves a layer of soft, hand touch feel itchy. Further on, came to the garden center, garden center is a pond, there is a rockery, grow a few lucky bamboo tree on a hill, around the mountains and lovely fish in the warm sunshine, swimming freely. Appreciate the better part of a garden, and almost got to the end of the garden, there with three kinds of moreton, leaves like a big fan, some schoolmates hot, also check from the ground to deciduous fan cool! Then, I smell a mild scent, listening to the songs of the birds, look at the green grass, colorful flowers, reluctant to leave the botanical garden of the school. 。
6. at century park作文怎么写 Today is natinal day.I went to the park with my family to celebrate this holiday.There are many people in the park.Some of them were taking photos ,and others were going sightseeing.How happily they looked.
This afternoon I went to the park which was built recently near my home.In the park,I saw many beautiful flowers and trees.The air was quite fresh and brids sang happyly.All the people there were singing,dancing and playing games.What a lovely place!
7. 英语in the park 写作文10句话 3句句型应该怎么写 It's 10:00 am in the morning. I am waiking in the park.There are many people in the park.There are many flowers and tress,too.Many birds are singing happily in the tree.There are four men under a big tree.They are playing cars.Some women are drinking tea and talking.Three girls are taking phots.I have fun in the park. 。
8. 用inthepark写一篇小短文8句话 In the park
There are many people in the park on weekends. The sun is shinning . The birds are singing.
Some are walking . Some are laughing . Others are sitting and have a nice talk with friends! What a wonderful place it is ! I love to play in the park!