夏营令作文怎么写( 三 )

5. MyBather这作文怎么写 My father is forty-three years old. He is a teacher. He works very hard. He always wears a yellow coat and a pair of blue trousers. He like doing sports and he likes basketball best.
【夏营令作文怎么写】My father loves me very much. He cheeks my homework every day. He often buys delicious food for me. On weekends we often go to the park with my mother. I love my father.
My father is a gentle man
My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy's hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpass in one day-long. He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.
My father is a XX(填写职业) , he works hard everyday.In my opinion,he is so tall that he can protect us from any trouble.He is always amiable to me.I have learnt very much from him.He is a hardworking man,he often helps my mother with housework.I love him very much.I think he is the best.
6. 小学作文:?带走的和留下的?400字作文 真是流星岁月呀 , 来得那么快 , 也去得那么快 , 带走的和留下的作文 。转眼间 , 时间与我擦肩而过 , 短暂的小学生活就要结束了 。一想到就要离开自己的母校 , 不争气的眼泪便流了下来……
六年了 , 我在这个学校生活六年了 , 我不但对同学们有了感情 , 对校园里那一草一木也有了感情 , 校园里的一切一切 , 都是那么的熟悉 。在校园里我沐浴着阳光 , 茁壮成长:老师的循循善诱和声声教诲 , 伴着我走向胜利的彼岸;同学的一次次鼓励 , 让我燃起勇气 , 一步一个脚印 , 坚定地走在那条属于自己的道路上……将要离开 , 我究竟该带走什么?是呀 , 我应该带走那些无价之宝:精神食粮 , 一本本光彩夺目的奖状 , 一个个丰硕的果实……还有那……记得以前我是最不会写读后感 , 一写读后感 , 作文本上不是万里江山一片红 , 就是大大的“重写”两字呈现在作文本上 。有一天 , 老师唤我过去 , 铺导我应该如何写读后感 。我静静地站在老师身旁 , 仔细地听着 。老师拿着我的作文不可一世 , 一边饱含深情地讲 , 一边细细地修改着 。我凝视着本子 , 在老师的字里行间 , 我看到了那份珍贵的师生情 。我把师生情放进了心里 , 带着它 , 走在这漫长的人生之路上 。奇怪 , 好像还少带了什么?对了 , 是友情 。多年来 , 那份深厚的友情一直藏在我的心间 , 一直埋在我的心头 , 记忆的
关键字:留下 带走
长河里 , 同学们对我的帮助数不胜数 。记得有一次我去参加比赛 , 到傍晚6点才结束 。走在回校的路上 , 我心里忐忑不安 , 因为作业全放在教室里 , 我又进不去 , 没有作业明天怎么交呀!我加快脚步 , 急匆匆地奔向教室 。奇怪 , 门口怎么有一个黑影在动 。我走过去 , 原来是我们班的同学呀 , 只见她向我奔来 , 手里还拿我的作业 , 我感动得热泪盈眶 , “真是太谢谢你了……”我激动地说 , 中学生作文《带走的和留下的作文》() 。“不用谢 , 我们是好同学呀!”说完 , 她飞奔回家去了 。那一刻 , 我们同学之间的友情更深了 。