逛街的英文怎么写( 二 )

4. ";逛街";用英文怎么说 1 。
看完表演后你们可以自由逛逛这条街,然后打的回家 After the show ,you may have a stroll along this street,and then go back by taxi 。2 。
陪女友逛了一下街,累死了I\'m definitely exhausted ,I\'ve been shopping with my girlfriend for a whole day 。3 逛街是她最大的爱好Shooping is her favorite pastime 。
4 。治安不好,请不要在街上闲逛For your personal safety and security concern,please don\'t ramble around on the street 。
闲逛:1 。have a stroll 2 。
have a casual walk around 。
【逛街的英文怎么写】ramble 。