试卷感想怎么写( 三 )

也许因为其他方面的优秀而提高了总成绩 。当然 , 倘若将疏忽减少到最小 , 同时又尽力提高其他科目的优秀程度 , 那总成绩就会大大提高 。
因此 , 全面发展很重要 。一般来说 , 疏忽不能避免 , 但可以尽力减少 , 而全面发展又是能弥补疏忽的一条捷径 。
英语翻译:Midterm and final exams, sometimes as important as special. Test good, the in the mind of TianZiZi, followed by the teacher's praise and classmates envy and parents' joy, Do well on the test, the teacher will be disappointed, parents will be angry, could face classmate contempt to view and sarcasm discourse. I saw the meager, test good rains don't get upset to do well on the exam, if want to consider the elder complimented, under the sneering, want to consider students are not succeed. Test very arrogant, do well on the exam not discouraged, to go in and mentality, but can qualify pass well. But, speaking of easy, but difficult to achieve. Take the mid-term exam to say. I am holding test two hundred points of confidence to qualify. From morning till night, examination, after very tired and worry, time seems to stand still, seems like a year, test good and do well on the exam these two words in the heart fight, evening sleep sleep to feel better. I'm nervous as have a heart of a few small rabbit, can clearly feel their heartbeat rhythm. 1. The exam enlightenment And an exam is over. Every examination will get a lessons or some experience, the examination I get revelation: negligence always exist. Take an examination of mathematics, feeling quite nice, examination paper is very simple, topic topic smoothly, then conscientious checked again, make sure all right after heart still have a hope: math exams full marks. Leave the room, examination after the full hope from me closer. I boldly and schoolmate to answer questions concerning correctly. See some classmates because of the answer found the wrong topic and depressed, chagrin, my heart secretly think: all right feeling is good, I'm glad when the exam questions, and earnestly finish after carefully checked, that day at the time, I was unprecedented happy. But before long, this special happy, but into my unprecedented sorrow and despair. "The picture I painted huge." I slightly happily say. "No, it is good, is not big. I got a fright, am I draw the wrong? Impossible, this picture I painted it twice? Should be each other mistaken, or are a person feel the difference, let me so comforting? Myself. But the heart still very disturbing. I have not dare to go to confidently answer, but unknowingly but again heard。
4. 怎么写考试的感想 希望下文可以给你一些启发: 此次考试总体来说可以用钩哥(我们的语文老师)评价我们作文的三个词来形容“闻者伤心 , 见者流泪 , 惨不忍睹!”试卷发下来的那一刹那间 , 我屏住了呼吸 。
面前两个鲜红显眼的数字令我目瞪口呆 。上帝啊 , 我的语文成绩有了历史性的“突破”!离不及格只差那短短的一步之遥了 。
这个成绩是空前的 , 可不知道是不是绝后的 。所谓种瓜得瓜 , 种豆得豆 。
我这是自食其 。哎 , 早知今日 , 何必当初啊?古人云:“风萧萧兮 , 易水寒 。”
今我叹:“考试结束兮 , 我玩完!”亡羊补牢 , 无济于事啊 。想不到自认优秀的我如今也会落到这般田地 。
说到原因嘛 , 是多方面的 。其一也是首要的当然是自己不知道努力 , 没有持之以恒的刻苦精神 。
有的只是那三分钟的热度 。这种种恶习是酿成失败的主要原料 。
当然 , 古往今来 , 凡成大事 , 离不开天时、地利、人和三者融汇.幸运女神这次从我身旁俏然而逝 , 没有得到她的青睐 , 又怎能不落到失败的深渊呢?能爬多高 , 就能跌多深 , 我算体会到了 。拿起试卷一看 , 触目惊心!那一个个错叉好似一把把尖锐无比的刺刀 , 扎的我快要窒息了 。