恐龙英文怎么写的( 二 )

4. 用英文介绍恐龙+翻译 简短一些 恐龙是生活在距今大约2亿3500万年至6500万年前的、能以后肢支撑身体直立行走的的一类动物 , 支配全球陆地生态系统超过1亿6千万年之久 。
大部分恐龙已经灭绝 , 但是恐龙的后代——鸟类存活下来 , 并繁衍至今 。恐龙”一词在字典中意思:一类生活在几亿年以前的古动物 , 现已灭绝.Dinosaurs lived about 200 million in 3500 million years ago to 6500 million years ago, can support the body upright limb of a class of animals, the control of global terrestrial ecosystems over 100 million 6 million years. Most dinosaurs have become extinct, but the descendants of dinosaurs - birds, survive and reproduce so far. Dinosaur "in the dictionary has two meanings: one living in hundreds of millions of years ago the ancient animal, now extinct 。
5. 恐龙用英语怎么说 dinosaur
英 ['da?n?s??] 美 [?da?n??s?r]
n. 恐龙;过时、落伍的人或事物
The Dinosaur 恐龙
Dinosaur Park 恐龙公园 ; 恐龙园 ; 侏罗纪恐龙世界 ; 恐龙乐园
Dinosaur Driver 恐龙
Dinosaur dig 掘恐龙
n. 意大利人 , 流浪汉;恐龙
n. (Dino)人名;(法、意、西、葡)迪诺
Dino Attanasio 迪诺·阿塔那斯奥
Dino Drpic 德尔皮奇
1、Dino explains the first step in getting Django running was getting a database provider that would run on .NET and work with Django.
Dino解释了让Django运行起来的第一步工作 , 就是让数据库提供器(database provider)能够运行在.NET和Django上 。
2、Given how evolution proceeds, birds should have the same fingers as their dino ancestors, but that's not what some researchers have found.
作为进化的结果 , 鸟类应该拥有和它们恐龙祖先一样的趾 , 但是一些研究人员得到的结果并非这样 。
3、Jack had invited me over to visit with him and Caroline, but my son, Dino, had fallen off a playground jungle gym or something, and his coat was spotted with blood.
杰克邀请我陪他和他的女儿卡洛琳一同前去探望 。我儿子迪诺当时刚从游乐场的立体方格铁架之类的地方摔了下来 , 他的外套上都是血渍 。