长江的英文怎么写( 二 )

4. 用英语写的长江的资料,谁有哇 长江是中国第一长河!是世界第三长河. 这次研究 , 以当曲作为长江源头测算的 , 具体为当曲源头位置东经94度35分54秒 , 北纬32度43分54秒 , 海拔5042米算起 。当曲 (由源头至囊极巴陇)360.8公里、沱沱河357.6公里、通天河787.7公里、金沙江2322.2公里、宜宾以下2740.6公里 , 我们
一般称6300公里或6370千米 。流域总面积一百八十余万平方公里 , 年平均入海水量约九千六百余亿立方米 。流域介于北纬24°30′~35°45′ , 东经90°33′~112°25′ , 面积180余万平方公里(不包括淮河流域) , 约占全国土地总面积的1/5 。居世界第3位 。它源远流长 , 与黄河一起 , 成为中华民族的摇篮 , 哺育了一代又一代中华儿女 , 被誉为“母亲河” 。
Yangtze River is China's first long river! Is the world's third-long river. This study music when measured as a source of the Yangtze River, for the specific location of the source of the song when the longitude 94 degrees 35 minutes 54 seconds north latitude and 32 degrees 43 minutes 54 seconds, elevation 5042 m run. When the song (by the very source of the capsule to the Palestinian Long) 360.8 km, 357.6 km Tuotuohe, Tongtian He 787.7 km, 2322.2 km Jinsha River, Yibin 2740.6 km below, we
6300 kilometers, or commonly known as 6370 km. Basin with a total area of more than 180 million square kilometers, the average annual income is about the sea more than 9600 billion cubic meters. Valley between latitude 24 ° 30 '~ 35 ° 45', longitude 90 ° 33 '~ 112 ° 25', an area more than 180 million square kilometers (not including the Huai River basin), the national total land area of about 1 / 5. 3 in the world. It goes back to ancient times, together with the Yellow River, has become the cradle of the Chinese nation, feeding the Chinese people generation after generation, as the "Mother River."