签证信怎么写( 二 )

for your delegation to arrive in *** (country). During the
exposition, you will stay here for *** days. All your
expenses including international air tickets, local
transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and
all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid
by yourselves.
We are looking forward to greeting you in *** (country) very
Yours sincerely,
June 25th,2007
ATTN: (客户的名字)
Re: Invitation for Business Trip
I ,  (你的名字) ,  on behalf of (你公司的名字) Would like to invite 客户的名字to visit our office in 公司所在城市 ,  China in the 日期.
The main purpose of this trip is to give you more ideas on business view here. At the same time to try implementing the agreement, which is under discussion/negotiation for some time.
All the traveling and accommodation expenses in China will be borne by your company.
(passport number: 护照号码 )
Yours truly,
然后公司盖上公章寄走即可 , 保险起见可以先扫描给客户看是否可以.
另外你也可以参考:pany answering your phone for the consulate! Actually it is because our operator is in her marriage leave between June 16th to 20th, and the staff instead of her work was just doing other work the moment you call in .To be honest, she has her own business, so maybe cannot keep a balance between this two works. Anyhow, I am regretted for that!Second, this meeting held in France is very important for our company in the future to expand,and I hope this accident won't influence my application of visa. Looking forward to your reply! Thank you very much! 这事上次领事馆打电话给我 , 我没有接到到 , 后来第三次才接到 , 结果领事馆的女人发飙 , 把我冲了一顿 , 叫我慢慢等签证吧 , 后来我写给领事馆的说明信 , 你可以借鉴一下 , 我写了后第二天又接到电话 , 第三天签证下来了 。
5. 给法领馆的解释信怎么写 Dear Sir/Madam:
I am*** from***Co., Ltd. My passport No. is G********, and my application No. is FRVC/120608/0044/02.
First, Please accept my apologize for nobody in our company answering your phone for the consulate! Actually it is because our operator is in her marriage leave between June 16th to 20th, and the staff instead of her work was just doing other work the moment you call in .To be honest, she has her own business, so maybe cannot keep a balance between this two works. Anyhow, I am regretted for that!
Second, this meeting held in France is very important for our company in the future to expand,and I hope this accident won't influence my application of visa.
Looking forward to your reply!
Thank you very much!
这事上次领事馆打电话给我 , 我没有接到到 , 后来第三次才接到 , 结果领事馆的女人发飙 , 把我冲了一顿 , 叫我慢慢等签证吧 , 后来我写给领事馆的说明信 , 你可以借鉴一下 , 我写了后第二天又接到电话 , 第三天签证下来了 。
6. 英因签证被拒签后的申诉信怎么写 1、申诉信只是签证面试的辅助手段
只要你的申请没有伪造成分 , 所有人都应该得到签证 。你只需面对签证官把你应该获得签证的理由自信而坚定地表达出来就行 。
英语文字一定要流畅通顺 , 语言内容一定要明快有力 。文字次序的排列对于申诉信的效力有相当的影响 。
为确保文字质量 , 最好让从国外回来的朋友替你的申诉信把关 , 实在不行 , 可以让专业翻译公司的人替你检查一遍 。