怎么写会议的邀请函( 三 )

4. 会议邀请怎么做 1.邀请人亲笔签署的信函原件,邀请信上要注明邀请人的地址、电话 。
2.邀请信上必须注明被邀请人全名{姓名}、来华目的、停留期限(停留期限是写某年、某月、某日到达,到达后停留多长时间;或写从某年、某月、某日到华,某年、某月、某日出境)、邀请信中说明your bf 来华时期来华费用由哪一方承担 。如系外方负担全部费用,应给予写明;如系外方负担部分费用,则应写明负担哪一部分费用 。
5. 会议邀请函 及提供模板句子 翻译:
There is going to be a conference about the modern Chinese history,which is to be held by The Chinese History Association in Chongqing University.
重庆大学中国历史协会将要举办一个中国现代史的学术研讨会 。
The conference will start from 8:00am of Dec.20 and end at 5:00pm of Dec.24.
会议将于12月20日早上8点开幕,12月24日下午5点闭幕 。
200 famous scholars of this area will attend the lectures and later group discussions.
届时,将会有200名此领域的知名学者与会并进行学术研讨 。
Since you have achieved lot in the research of Chinese modern history,we are pleased to invite you to attend the conference.
我们认为您在中国现代史领域学术成果颇丰,我们非常荣幸地邀请您来参加此次研讨会 。
If you decide to come to the meeting,please prepare a paper well and send it to us by fax(xxxx)or E-mail(xxx)for the academic exchange.
如果您决定要来参加此次会议,请您准备好一份学术论文,并且可以通过传真(号码)或者E-mail(地址)的形式发送给我们,用于学术交流 。
We look forward to your reply.
我们期待您的回复 。
There is going to be a conference about 【会议主题】,which is to be held by 【会议举办者】.The conference will start 【会议时间】.【与会者】 will attend the lectures and later group discussions.Since you have achieved lot in the research of 【受邀者研究领域】,we are pleased to invite you to attend the conference.If you decide to come to the meeting,please prepare【与会需要准备的东西】 and send it to us by fax(号码按需求填写)or E-mail(地址按需求填写)for the academic exchange.We look forward to your reply.

