一片英语怎么写( 二 )

4. 一片英语作文 My reading methods Reading as a means of obtaining knowledge has a number of advantages over many other ways. To begin with, it is the most consistent way of getting knowledge. One can read regularly.I have a reading time everyday.In the morning I read English books aloud in order to practise my oral English and in the evening after I finished my homework I read novles. Secondly, reading can ensure a thorough grasp of what you are interested in. This is hardly so when one is listening to the radio or watching TV. Because you can choose what you like to read but you can't choose the TV program. Finally, reading is the most flexible of all the ways to obtain knowledge. I can always read at any time or any place if I am free.For example,I can just read for ten minutes before going to bed. However, there exists one problem about reading. There are all kinds of Books in society. Some are good, while others are bad. 'Good books are beneficial to our .soul while bad ones are harmful to our mind.Therefore, it is of great importance for the reader to separate good plants from wild weeds. We should read good books and reject harmful ones. 。