地铁.用英语怎么写( 二 )

4. ”地铁”的英语怎么说 ①subway
英[?s?bwe?] 美[?s?b?we]
n. 地铁; 地下通道
英[?metr??] 美[?metro?]
n. 地下铁道;
adj. 大都市的;
1.And investigate the promising high-tech Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), which seems to be as efficient as a subway but at 5% the cost to build应对有发展前景的高科技快速公交系统(BRT)进行调研,它的效率像地铁一样高,但建设成本只相当于地铁的百分之五 。
2.Excuse me, where is the nearest subway station?对不起,最近的地铁站在哪里?
3.As the subway is much complicated, I can't understand.地铁路线真复杂,我实在不了解 。
4.Take the subway, and get off at Fifth avenue.你可以搭乘地铁,而在第五街下车 。
5.I would like a bus and subway map, please.请给我一份公交车和地铁的路线图 。
6."Underneath Piccadilly Circus, there is an important tube station with escalators leading down to two different lines"皮卡迪里广场下面有一个重要的地铁车站,有数部自动扶梯通往下面两条不同的地铁线路
7.On my first Metro ride, I encountered an incompetent, clumsy pickpocket刚乘上地铁,我就遇到了一个手法不高且很笨拙的小偷 。
8.The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the elevated highways, the subways and the like have added up to Shanghai's townscape.东方明珠电视塔、高架道路和地铁等已成为上海新的城市景观
9.At such times my sisters or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn, NY, on a child's sleigh to the entrance of the subway每当此时,我或我的姐妹们就用儿童雪橇把他拉过纽约布鲁克林区的街道,一直送到地铁的入口处 。
10."But if you can drop me at an underground station, That'll be fine. "不过你送我到地铁站就行了 。
cable subway 电缆隧道
pedestrian subway 地下人行道
inclined subway 斜坡道
subway tunnel 地下铁道隧道
subway token phr. 地铁代用币
subway station n.地铁车站
subway network 地下铁道网
subway car 地下铁道车辆
subway crossing (交叉道口处的)地下横道[人行道, 交叉口]
take the subway 乘坐地铁
5. 地铁用英语怎么读 地铁的几种英文表示:subway、metro、underground、rapid transit、tube 。
subway 指城市中的地铁或通道,主要用于美国 。tube 主要用于英国口语中 。
underground 一般用词,指城市中的地铁,主要用于英国 。metro读音:英 ['metr??] 美 ['m?tro] subway读音:英 ['s?bwe?] 美 ['s?bwe] underground读音:英 [?nd?'gra?nd] 美 [?nd??ɡra?nd] tube读音:英 [tju?b] 美 [tub] 。