英文行程怎么写( 二 )

这是我自己写的 是六天的行程安排 因为不知道你这四天具体做什么 你可以根据我的修改修改
4. 更改行程安排的英文信函怎么说可以委婉一点 Dear xxx
It was delighted to know that you would come to Beijing to discuss the contract details with our Prior and Chief. However there are something still concerns, the schedule.
Since prior and Chirf would be on Biz-trip on 16th Dec for overseas project in Britain. I wonder if possible to re-schedule your agenda, maybe firstly to Changchuan and then to Beijing 。If it' s not convenient for you, I appreciate if you could tell the main topics for this visit, so we can prepare in advance during boss' out of office.
Sorry for the in-convenience it may caused to you. Looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
5. 如何用英语写旅游行程有谁帮我翻译一下这个行程 Danxia mountainDanxia mountain is one of the most famous four moutains in Guangdong Province,it's famous by the wonder,arduous and beauty,especilly for its Jinshi Cliff,Biezhuan Temple,Guanjiu Kiosk and Yangyuan Stone.丹霞山游览以“奇、险、美”著称的广东四大名山之一的——丹霞山:锦石岩、别传寺观旧亭、长老峰、阳元石 。

