作为的英语怎么写( 二 )

32. v.aux,do的助动词用法[用在某些副词以后,以构成倒装结构] Little did he realize…. : 他几乎没有认识到… 。33. 名词 宴会;聚会;社交活动 I'm having a bit of a do for my birthday next week. : 下周我会给自己办一个小型生日舞会 。
In those dos nobody really knew each other. : 在这种场合的聚会上,大家彼此都不大认识 。34. 名词 事件;事情 35. 名词 袭击,战斗 36. 名词 仔细的处理、操作 37. 名词 主要用于英格兰口语,欺骗;骗局;骗人的东西 38. 名词 [方言] 骚动;混乱 39. 名词 [常作复]待遇,份额 40. 名词 [俚语] 粪便;排泄物 dog do : 狗粪 41. 名词 成功 42. 名词 发型 43. 名词 该做的事,分内的事(通常与a连用);必须做到的事(或所下的有关命令) It's a poor do if they can't read the large signs. : 如果他们连最大的标记都看不清,那可就惨了 。
It's a poor do when the companies use cheap labor from other countries! : 公司使用别国廉价劳动力,真不厚道 。
2. 帮我写下英语作为 I plan to help my neighbour,he is an elderly man who had been former residence.so I discuss to wash the clothes and clean the window for him,and his eyes are bad,so I can read books and write letters for him to others,and sometime I play chess with him and go for a walk together,that can make him happy and not lonely,or I as well as him go shopping on Sunday and so on.
so I should help him as much as I can,because the elderly needs so much care
3. 我想成为一名 i would like to be a teacher.
It goes without saying that everybody has his dream,and my dream is to be a teacher.There are many reasons about my dream.Firstly,in my view ,I think work as a teacher will do a lot of things for the society.Secondly,I like my teachers very much,so I want to be one of them.Thirdly,my parents also want me to be a teacher.To achieve my goal,I must study hard.Only in this way can I end up as a teacher.
翻译: 我想要成为一个老师
毫无疑问,每个人都有自己的梦想,我的梦想是成为一名老师 。对于我的梦想,有很多原因 。首先,在我看来,作为一名老师可以为社会做很多事 。其次,我非常喜欢我的老师,并且想成为她们中的一员 。最后,我的父母也很希望我能成为一名教师 。为了实现我的理想,我必须努力学习 。只有这样,我最后才能如愿以偿,成为一名教师 。
上面有一人回答的不能用啊 。就是最长的那篇 。那篇第一段的内容是这样的:在我进入商业之前,我是一名英语教师,尽管我不是从外语学校毕业的 。现在我很想再一次成为一名教师 。你要是用这篇,一看你就是抄的 。
【作为的英语怎么写】短的那篇还可以,但第一句话要慎用 。因为那是说,我的父母都是老师,他们的学生从他们那里学到了很多,我也是他们学生中的一员 。如果你父母不是老师,这么写就不恰当了 。短的这篇后面写的不错