五月你好英语怎么写( 二 )

(1)I will go to Shanghai in the coming January.
在即将到来的一月份,我将去上海 。
(2)I wrote this book in 2000 right at the peak of-- fortunately right at the peak of the stock market.
我2000年写这本书的时候,当时希勒教授在书中提醒投资者注意泡沫风险 股市正处于最高点 2个月后此预言果然应验
5. 5月5日用英语怎么说 分英式与美式两种写说:
英式:5th May
美式:May 5
If you are single, you will find May 5 a good day to meet a new love interest with longterm potential, and on May 16, you may find sizzling chemistry with someone new.
如果你是单身,5号是个好日子——去找有意向发展长期关系的新伴侣; 16号,你也许会和新伴侣产生强烈的化学反应哦;