她跳舞英文怎么写( 二 )

I know about your sister, she is an excellent dancer.
我听说容过你姐姐 , 她是一位出色的舞蹈家 。
3. 她正在教室里跳舞英语怎么写 She is dancing in the classroom扩展:1.The students are talking abut their weekends in the class.学生们正在教室里谈论周末.2.The man studying in the classroom is my classmate.那个正在教室里学习的人是我的同学3.She is cleaning the classroom.她正在打扫教室.4.In the classroom.在教室里.5.Maybe she is in the classroom.她可能在教室里.6.She must be in the classroom.她肯定在教室里.7.Chaos reigned in the classroom 教室里大乱.8.The classroom is choked with students.教室里挤满学生.9.They are in the classroom .他们在教室里.10.Look!She is eaking in the cla room.瞧 , 她在教室里讲话呢. 。

