5. 英语参考文献只写前两个作者,后面用“等”,“等”怎么表示啊 et al. 读音:英 [?et ??l] 美 [?et ??l] 释义:等人,等物,等等 。
语法:意思是等等,用在举例的末尾,意思是举例未完 。例句: The concert included works by Tchaikovsky et al. 音乐会上演出了柴可夫斯基等人的作品 。
扩展资料近义词:etc etc 读音:英 ['etk] 美 [et ?set(?)r?] 释义:等等,以及其他(类似的) 。语法:之前的举例,都是用逗号隔开的,不能用and连接 。
例句: These individual groups can be found in configuration files in/ etc, typically withan rc. 可以在/etc中的配置文件中找到这些组,它们的名称中通常包含rc 。
6. 英文参考文献的写法 References:
[AAAM97]: G. Alonso, D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, and C. Mohan. Functionalities and Limitations of Current Workflow Management Systems. Technical report, IBM Almaden Research Center, 1997. To appear in IEEE Expert.
[ASSR93]: P. Attie, M. Singh, A. Sheth, and M. Rusinkiewicz. Specifying and Enforcing Intertask Depen-dencies. In Proc. of the 19th Intl. Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 134-145, Dublin,Ireland, 1993.
[BSR96]: A. Bonner, A. Shruf, and S. Rozen. LabFlow-1: A Database Benchmark for High Throughput Workflow Management. In Proc. of the 5th. Intnl. Conference on Extending Database Technology,pages 25-29, Avignon, France, March 1996.
[Con97]: Information Management Consultants. WebFlo - Delivery Imaging and Workflow over
the Web. Technical report, Information Management Consultants, 1997. URL:/web
注意把标点符e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e31333166346239号写正确 。
7. 论文中英语参考文献的书写格式(详细) B:期刊文章
〔2〕OU J P,SOONG T T,et al.Recent advance in research on applications of passive energy dissipation systems〔J〕.Earthquack Eng,1997,38(3):358-361.