夏威夷岛为最大岛,岛上有2座活火山 。夏威夷州是美国唯一的群岛州,由太平洋中部的132个岛屿组成 。
陆地面积为1.67万平方千米 。夏威夷群岛是世界著名的旅游胜地,其中的毛依岛和考爱岛2013年世界排名第一、第二 。
美国著名的海军基地珍珠港就在那里 。夏威夷属于海岛型气候,气候终年温和宜人,终年有季风调节,每年温度约在摄26℃-31℃ 。
降水量受地形影响较大,各地差异悬殊,森林覆盖率近50% 。本州是由十九个主要的岛屿及珊瑚礁所组成,位于中部太平洋 。
5. 夏威夷英文介绍,急 A state of the United States in the central Pacific Ocean comprising the Hawaiian Islands. The islands became a U.S. territory in 1900, which was admitted as the 50th state in 1959. Honolulu, on Ohau, is the capital and the largest city. Population, 1,115,274.
Comprised of eight main islands, Hawaii is home of the world's most active volcano, the crater of Kilauea on Mauna Loa. Sandy beaches, towering volcanoes, and lush valleys lure thousands of tourists each year to this tropical paradise.
Hawaii is the most ethnically and racially diverse state of any state in the union, a mix that includes Caucasians, Americans of Japanese descent, and Polynesians, among others. Native Hawaiians have held on to many of their customs and traditions despite the influx of non-natives over the years. Hawaii is the only state that has an official native language. Statehood had been proposed many times throughout Hawaii's history, but it was not until 1959 that Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States.
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