加薪邮件怎么写( 三 )

首先很感谢公司及领导给我锻炼的机会,让我学会了很多东西;从XXXX年到公司以来,这几年里,我一直认认真真,力求把工作做的尽善尽美,这几年里,我的工作经验逐渐丰富,工作能力不断提高,主要还是要感谢领导们的栽培和帮助 。其主要是负责XX职位的职务 。自从任职XX职位以来,让我深感XX职位对公司的重要性.
我相信付出就会有收获,同时我个人经济负担比较重,因此我提出申请,希望公司能够考虑把目前月工资XXXX向上提升到XXXX,主要目的是让自己能够安心的工作,更好的为公司效力 。
如果公司认为我的工作内容和质量没有达到本次申请的标准,还诚恳的希望领导能够给出宝贵的意见建议,让我在以后的工作当中有更确切努力的工作方向以及目标,在提升个人能力的同时把工作做的更好,向更高的目标迈进 。如果公司不予考虑本次申请,我依然会用认真、负责的态度做好我的工作 。
6. 求英语高手如何写加薪邮件 推荐篇范文,希望对你有帮助:
Application of Allowance
Dear XXX
As you know my original responsibility is charge to deal with all documents according to corresponding salary level, but now Lucy is in maternity holiday and her job hand over to me , so total workload is too much even more double than before, it is really very busy for me.
There are often orders which the delivery is very urgent, I prepare not only many files to production department/ forwarder/ agent/ hamburg ,but also documents for others order such as invoice ,packing data,BL confimed,quotation……,although so ,I still try my best to do, but I also wish company can pay corresponding allowance to me during this period.
I wish the allowance should be 2000rmb per month at least .
Look forwad to your reply!
Best regards
7. 给老板的加薪英文信,求翻译【加薪邮件怎么写】 Dear ManagerSo sorry to bother you on this busy time,but I really have two important things need your confirmation.The first is about my overtime work cost.I would like to know if the regular two-day overtime cost is 1.5 times or doubled.As for that I've already worked more than half a year here,so I wonder if I could be paid according to the new salary policy,counting back from the last month. The second is about my insurance.You know because of my open-ended contract,I'm not applied for the contract on National law of labour.According to relative policies,I could afford my insurance security by myself(including 3 types of social insurance and the housing fund).So I wish if I could get a promotion on my salary by RMB200,that could be right used on my security payment.If that could be approved,my salary of one month could be RMB2880(1.5 times OT) to RMB3360(doubled OT) in total.Finally I want to express my appreciation again and thanks a lot for your consideration.I'm so looking forward to your response.Your sincerely DATE XXXXX 。