5点30的英文怎么写( 二 )

他们花了36个小时穿过茂密的莫桑比克丛林 。
6. The association between the two companies stretches back thirty years.
这两家公司的往来可以追溯到30年前 。
7. I can verify that it takes about thirty seconds.
我能证明,这大约要用30秒的时间 。
8. The driver was a trim young woman of perhaps thirty.
司机是个大约30岁的身材苗条的年轻女子 。
9. Her Irish accent, after thirty-odd years in London, is undiluted.
她在伦敦呆了30多年,爱尔兰口音仍很浓重 。
10. About thirty percent of the country's children were malnourished.
这个国家约有30%的儿童营养不良 。
11. I've got two Malaysians coming to see me at eleven thirty.
11点半会有两名马来西亚人来看我 。
12. She was about thirty, ten years older than the youngsters ragging her.
她大概有30岁,比那些嘲弄她的年轻人大10岁 。
13. "Nine," said I. "Nine thirty," tried he. We compromised on 9.15.
“9点 。”我说 。“9点半 。”他试着说 。于是我们各让一步,定在了9点一刻 。
14. That night the mercury fell to thirty degrees below zero.
那天晚上温度计显示气温降到了零下30度 。
15. It took thirty-five seconds for the hour to strike.
报时用了35秒钟 。
5. 1 one,two ,three, four, five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,
thirteen,fourteen,fifteen ,sixteen

