英文放假通知怎么写( 二 )

Even during our annual winter vacation, we often publish notices on our website reminding students that during holidays they should keep in touch with their parents, and if they go out they should let their parents know where they are, he said.
7. 求最简单的英文开会通知和英文放假通知 Note(通知)
We are going to have a meeting at 9:30 on Monday.
星期一9:30开会 。
HR Department
*** *** *** *** ***
September 22th to 25th will be the Mid-Autumn holiday. We are supposed to come back to work on September 26th. Enjoy yourself everybody.
9月22号至25号为中秋假期 , 9月26日正常上班 。祝大家玩得开心!
HR Department
注:如果是张贴的通知 , 需在note上方注明通知日期 。

