婚礼的英文邀请函怎么写( 四 )

8. 求人写一封英文的结婚邀请函 Mr. and Mrs. * Cruise/Cyrus (新郎或新娘父母称谓) request the honour of the presence of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown (客人称谓)
at the marriage of their
Son: Kevin Cruise
And Daughter in Law: Destiny Cyrus(新郎/新娘名字)
Mr. John Frederick Hamilton
Saturday, the twenty-ninth of September
at four o'clock p.m
Church of Heavenly Rest
New York
****先生及夫人:兹定于**月**日(星期*)**时在****教堂为小子****与******举行婚礼 , 届时恭请 光临 。*******夫妇谨上 。
9. 婚礼请帖用英语怎么写 如果是新娘方负责婚礼费用 。
就称呼 Mr. and Mrs. John Smith (父母的英文名)如果新郎方负责婚礼费用 称呼 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harrison 如果是夫妻双方共同承担婚礼费用 Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harrison 下面是正文: request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their children Myrtle Marie and Boris Michael on Sunday, the seventeenth of July two thousand and four at three o'clock Sacred Heart Church Mount Holly, New Jersey 。

