义卖的英语怎么写( 二 )

Everybody is at it, but is really awfully. Look! Several salesman of six Class 3, are kicking a chair , hand is lifting several kinds of lint toys , are answering high and low in empty space brandish, face swells up getting the loudness all-red , doing self very best be crying: Watch quickly "quickly! Have bought Oh toy books lottery draw , have bought a piece find an once , have won prize at 00:100:100"! Young accountants are also unwilling to lag behind , the methodical precis writer lets every kind of thing institute's count qian , sell being returning helping in the often back. The schoolmate who replenishes stock is to have thought exceedingly strange move in chess or a movement in wushu purchases the exquisite article more , be searching for , low price enclosing one circle in drill ground upper as soon as buys, high price sell. Ha-ha! Have title of the small merchant really creditably! Shift's shop is also being pushed against such that forebreast sticks the back now , tall guy Yang Peng beautiful jade dual tactics is being lifted a book , is being brandished in midair retinue , is being cried out: "Be over the value detective novel , 10 yuan of one capital! Good luck be not allowed to miss! Come to buy quickly! With this, he starts to stand on tiptoe a tiptoe , the eye glares roundly, playing pendulum that the body also is in is burning. Sales clerk Pu Wen Xuan is neither idle , the left hand is holding the money receiving , the right hand hands over the thing to a customer, and prompt the schoolmate who gives changes to keeping accounts to the back, is reporting a number: "Thank you for your patronage! Yes, 10 yuan "! Have also started big reconnaissances right away in me, ", have searched up Ng- - first from oneself shop"! I keep on chattering though no one is listening saying. The orange cover has attracted my eyeball, ah, this "hundred celebrity of the affection world" that I admire in the heart most? My immediately happy yelling get up: "I only want this book , Pu Wen Xuan , give you money, keep the change "! Sale of goods for charity or other worthy causes has also been over hour as if look like running water , razorsharp,Ning Jing who has restored bygone days's on the drill ground. Being allotted angles though stopping containing, is a loving heart , a portion offers as a tribute; Scrappy condensing though small, able but is a tremendous force. Current sale of goods for charity or other worthy causes has been let purchase many article being fond of, also for a force that arrival of nation buddy has used up, have presented a loving heart. 。
4. 英语作文参加义卖的注意事项 今天 , 是我们盼望已久的日子 , 因为 , 今天我们学校要举办“红领巾爱心义卖活动” 。义卖活动是在学校体育馆举行 , 买卖双方都是我们学校的老师和同学 , 买得的营业额准备捐给红十字会 。
义卖活动开始了 , 同学们个个开心得手舞足蹈 。老师早就给我们准备好了摊位 , 同学们拿着商品 , 很有秩序地来到摊位前 , 安放在柜台(两张乒乓台)上 , 放得整整齐齐 。
现在我们班的柜台上商品琳琅满目 , 美不胜收 。身为收银员的我早就看准了沈雁冰的文具盒 , 生怕被别人抢先 , 就迫不及待地说:“诶 , 我想买这个绿色的文具盒 。”
丹丹(营业员)说:“这个么……8元钱 。”
我说:“便宜一点 , 3元 , 3元行不?”
丹丹说:“4元 , 最低价了 , 要不要?”
我无奈地说:“好吧 。”
于是 , 我把4元钱放在了老师给我的收银包里 , 就拿走了那个绿色的文具盒放在自己的包里 。这样我成为我们班的第一位顾客 。
又来了一位顾客 , 他可大方啦!把我们这儿值钱的东西买走了好多 , 有四驱车 , 有小黄鱼 , 有芭比娃娃……他爽快地递给了我20元 , 我利索地找给了他10元 。